Duckworth levelled the playing field for cricket, didn’t he?

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Livemint 3 min read 28 Jun 2024, 08:30 AM IST

Adopted by the International Cricket Council successful  1999, the DL illustration  has proven reasonably  utile  for 50-over clashes.  (Getty Images) Adopted by the International Cricket Council successful 1999, the DL illustration has proven reasonably utile for 50-over clashes. (Getty Images)


  • The satellite of cricket has mislaid Frank Duckworth, a statistician who batted for justness and co-created the Duckworth-Lewis regularisation adopted by the ICC for interrupted matches. It was a fairer attack alright, but what works for one-day matches is letting america down successful the T20 format. Here’s why

Last Friday, cricket buffs astir the satellite shared a loss, 1 that was felt astir acutely by protestors against the vagaries of weather. Frank Duckworth died astatine the property of 84. He was a statistician who batted for justice. He was an Englishman, too, and the large injustice that drew him to the arena of a athletics that makes heroic claims to fairness was an unfair triumph by his ain country. 

In a semi-final lucifer of the 1992 World Cup betwixt England and South Africa, his country’s squad batted archetypal and acceptable a people of 252 runs successful 45 overs aft the past 5 got lopped disconnected by rain, which had stopped play for a while. In their crook astatine the crease, South African batters were steadily chasing that full and had scored 231 for 6 wickets successful 42.5 overs erstwhile a drizzle called players disconnected the tract again. 

For victory, South Africa needed conscionable 22 runs disconnected 13 balls, easy doable with a fewer large deed crossed the boundary. But erstwhile they got backmost aft the forced break, they had lone 1 shot near to marque 22 runs. An astir definite triumph was turned into a abrupt nonaccomplishment by a crude rainfall regularisation that deleted England’s 2 least-scoring overs (both with nary runs scored) from its score-sheet to reset a people for 43 overs.

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That twist of destiny ordered by a cloudy entity had 2 consequences of note. England precocious to the last and mislaid to Pakistan, granting it the World Cup and its skipper Imran Khan an aura that would aboriginal assistance his emergence successful politics. Less fuzzy was what it did to cricket by provoking folks for whom statistic didn’t simply mean data—let unsocial lies, damned oregon otherwise—but justice. 

After all, arsenic a discipline, it’s doomed if it doesn’t strive against bias. This is the passionateness that animates the dispassionate. Which whitethorn explicate wherefore Duckworth teamed up with erstwhile cricketer Tony Lewis to enactment retired an equitable look to reset a people if a lucifer gets interrupted. Either that, oregon a business-like presumption of cricket. The duo cracked the puzzle by focusing connected the resources astatine manus successful presumption of deliveries and wickets. 

They combined some factors to get a ‘resource percentage’ for each scenario. The resultant Duckworth-Lewis (DL) illustration is simply a ample matrix with ‘100%’ successful its top-left country for afloat complaint (all overs disposable with each wickets, i.e.), with this gauge dropping arsenic some resources deplete. 

Since we tin consult it for transportation depletions caused by rain, we tin cipher a revised people that sets the resources of some teams astatine par, done by scaling down the archetypal people by the ratio of their differing assets availability. It takes immoderate math, but isn’t thing a skipper can’t bash connected a phone.

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Adopted by the International Cricket Council successful 1999, the DL illustration has proven reasonably utile for 50-over clashes. For T20, though, it’s little useful, arsenic information investigation suggests. Available balls substance much than wickets successful the 20-over format and this quality amplifies the halfway weakness of the DL method: it ignores however batting line-ups vary. 

An explosive process of pinch-hitters is assumed to battalion the aforesaid punch arsenic 1 apt to illness similar an idiomatic bicycle stand. Still, cricket fans are successful Duckworth’s debt. It’s a sanction we cannot easy forget, if lone due to the fact that ‘duck’ means a people of zero, a conception whose ‘worth’ is an enduring paradox: It is incalculable, frankly, for it’s what enabled america to calculate. 

Duckworth’s bequest needn’t beryllium placed astatine specified an exalted level, but successful a satellite that finds itself fto down by each sorts of different much-hyped charts, from meteorology to astrology, what helium gave america is valuable: a nudge to level the playing field, adjacent if the levellers we trade aren’t perfect.

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