Dutton’s nuclear non-policy sets a new low for political debate

4 days ago 5

Two weeks ago, Peter Dutton revealed helium would reason Labor’s 2030 clime target. In the aforesaid interview, helium besides said radical were reconsidering who helium was, watching him “in a antithetic role” dealing “with the breadth of issues starting with the Voice and different economical and information issues”.

This sounds bland. In fact, it’s crucial. Dutton learns from his governmental mistakes. A fewer weeks back, helium was successful information of becoming known simply arsenic “Migration Man”. Last week’s atomic announcement was the adjacent step, aft his rejection of the clime targets, successful a course-correction: making definite voters cognize thing other astir him.

 Jim Pavlidis

Illustration: Jim PavlidisCredit:

Dutton should beryllium thrilled with however caller days person gone. “Bold” and “visionary” were however helium described his ain plan. “Bold” and “brave” were the words adopted successful the press, adjacent successful captious pieces. This was curious, fixed the argumentation seems calved of cowardice, namely the refusal to face divisions connected clime successful the Coalition. Dutton volition beryllium doubly pleased, due to the fact that “bold” and “brave” are the other of the connection with which helium has chosen to overgarment the premier minister: “weak”.

There are respective facts that made past week remarkable.

The archetypal is that Dutton could make the magnitude of property helium did with truthful little. We did larn immoderate caller things. We learnt however galore atomic plants the Coalition is proposing, wherever they would be, erstwhile Dutton said they would start, and that the Commonwealth would ain them.


All this is newsworthy. But instantly you tally into the information that Dutton is, successful part, promising to instrumentality exertion that is inactive being developed, successful the signifier of tiny modular reactors. Right aft that, you tally into the information that astir experts volition archer you the timeline is implausible. And close aft that, you tally into the agelong lists of what Dutton did not archer us, including: the cost, the terms of electricity, however overmuch vigor we’d get, what we’d usage successful the meantime, and erstwhile emissions volition fall.

Does this number arsenic “policy”? Not by accepted standards. We bash not cognize however it volition work. We can’t trial it due to the fact that we cognize truthful little. Nor by Dutton’s ain standards. He told america his “major announcement” was the merchandise of “an tremendous magnitude of work”. This should surely punctual the question: connected what? Dutton tweeted a representation of “the conception design” of a tiny modular reactor that, arsenic was soon discovered, had been taken from the Rolls-Royce website. This was indicative of the extent of Dutton’s “policy”.

Some judge the property should person ignored this announcement – I don’t agree. I besides deliberation the media did a bully occupation of listing problems and unknowns. But determination is simply a question that comes earlier this, important and difficult: if a governmental enactment announces thing it says is big, however should it beryllium treated?

Surely the paucity of item and Dutton’s attraction of the announcement arsenic important should person been judged against each other, with the decision being this was a damp squib, an embarrassing effort to formal up thing trivial. Especially erstwhile you see the information this announcement had been repeatedly delayed.


Or is this the caller modular for governmental statement successful this country?

Arguably the astir important information astir caller weeks is the mode that Dutton is lowering the barroom for debate, 1 mode astatine a time. First, with his determined governmental exploitation of migration. Second, by deploying policies that are not rather policies.

This 2nd constituent is, importantly, accordant crossed some migration and nuclear. This is doubly successful conscionable implicit a period that Dutton has made ample announcements without being capable to explicate however his attack volition execute what helium promises. In each case, elder Coalition frontbenchers person seemed to contradict each other. Significant elements of the “policies” person wobbled successful the days that follow. Large questions stay unaddressed.

The largest of those questions leaves a chasm astatine the bosom of Dutton’s duplicate announcements connected targets and nuclear, which became much cardinal arsenic the week went on: what happens to renewables successful the adjacent 10 years, particularly if investors fly and projects are cancelled? As I wrote last week, the clime statement is shifting distant from motivation abstractions and towards applicable questions, arsenic coal-fired stations shut.

Part of the crushed Dutton’s program tin look “bold” is successful examination with Labor’s timidity. Labor near an opening and Dutton walked through. But the information for Dutton is that, with these applicable questions looming large, the holes successful his announcements become, successful voters’ minds, the astir notable information astir them, the top hint to his apt quality arsenic premier minister. At the aforesaid time, they could play into Anthony Albanese’s self-presentation arsenic a low-key premier curate moving steadily done problems. This is the governmental flipside to Dutton’s “boldness” gambit.


Before the announcement, Labor had been looking for a mode to displacement from its mid-term onslaught connected Dutton – that helium has nary program – to the presumption each governments yet instrumentality connected their opponents: that they are a risk. It whitethorn present person material, but whether it has the governmental skills to marque the lawsuit remains unknown. We volition get immoderate hints this parliamentary fortnight – though it is worthy remembering that John Hewson lone had his disastrous day barroom infinitesimal much than a twelvemonth aft his Fightback! argumentation had archetypal been announced, conscionable 10 days earlier the election.

The question is often raised: is this state inactive susceptible of superior argumentation debate? There are tests for the large groups involved. If Peter Dutton wants a “mature conversation” astir nuclear, arsenic helium said connected Saturday, past helium indispensable supply immoderate facts. If Labor wants to displacement the statement backmost towards policy, past it indispensable amusement persistence successful challenging Dutton connected those grounds, and debar fudges of its own, specified arsenic c seizure and storage.

And if the media, truthful fond of deploring soundbite politics, wants thing important to cover, past it needs to larn that objectivity does not mean treating soundbites arsenic equivalent to substance conscionable due to the fact that 1 broadside claims that to beryllium the case.

Sean Kelly is simply a regular columnist and a erstwhile advisor to Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd.

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