Exiled senator Payman advised by Ricky Muir’s former preference whisperer

2 days ago 3

Renegade Labor legislator Fatima Payman is connected the brink of leaving the party, taking proposal connected adjacent steps from arguable predetermination strategist Glenn Druery, a governmental operative known arsenic “the penchant whisperer” for his occurrence successful securing seats for precocious location independents and insignificant enactment candidates.

Druery is besides successful talks with an confederation of Muslim groups who person thrown their enactment down Payman pursuing her determination past Tuesday to transverse the level to ballot with the Greens connected designation of Palestinian statehood. The confederation plans to tally candidates against fractional a twelve Labor MPs successful the little location and successful the Senate.

Fatima Payman and (inset) “preference whisperer” Glenn Druery. Druery has been advising the Labor senator.

Fatima Payman and (inset) “preference whisperer” Glenn Druery. Druery has been advising the Labor senator.Credit: James Brickwood, Andrew Meares

Payman’s determination to enactment with Druery, who masterminded the Senate run for Motoring Enthusiasts’ little-known Ricky Muir successful 2013, is the strongest awesome yet that she intends to permission the Labor Party aft being indefinitely suspended from the caucus connected Sunday.

Druery aboriginal told ABC’s Lateline successful 2017 helium has been directing micro-party preferences distant from One Nation since 1999.

“I similar to deliberation of what I bash successful moving against One Nation arsenic a assemblage work ... My manus connected their electoral pharynx squeezing the preferential beingness retired of them,” helium said.

But helium conceded his did springiness the enactment proposal astir Hanson’s NSW run successful 2013.

Senior curate Bill Shorten extended an olive subdivision to Payman connected Tuesday morning, telling ABC vigor she could inactive lend to Labor if her quality with the enactment was settled, and she conscionable needed clip “on the bench”.

Labor MPs unanimously endorsed a question to suspend Payman from the caucus until she decided she could “respect” enactment rules, aft Anthony Albanese said helium showed “strength successful compassion” by staring down Coalition demands to sack her.

Labor rules hindrance caucus members to the party’s corporate decisions, and MPs who ballot against those hazard being thrown out.

This masthead revealed connected Monday that erstwhile Prime Minister Anthony Albanese summoned Payman to The Lodge, he told her to see her position arsenic an MP and retrieve she was successful the Senate due to the fact that of Labor.

Druery has risen to prominence implicit the past decennary for successfully stitching unneurotic analyzable penchant deals astatine authorities and national levels to elite minor-party and autarkic candidates to precocious houses.

He confirmed to this masthead that helium is informally advising some Payman and the conjugation of Muslim groups, but declined to comment. Sources who were unauthorised to talk publically said Payman had informal discussions with members of the alliance.

Payman has been contacted for comment. She was not seen successful the Senate connected Tuesday.

On Monday evening, Payman said she would abstain from voting successful the Senate for the remainder of the week “unless a substance of conscience arises, wherever I’ll uphold the existent values and principles of the Labor Party”.

One Labor MP, who asked not to beryllium named truthful they could talk freely, said: “The information that she [Payman] is moving with Druery shows this has been planned for weeks”.

A 2nd Labor MP was shocked that Payman was moving with Druery due to the fact that helium “is each astir money and that is wherefore helium would beryllium doing this, helium volition enactment with anyone”.

In their enactment country gathering connected Tuesday morning, the Greens discussed whether to bring different question calling for designation of Palestine to the Senate connected Wednesday oregon Thursday.

The conjugation of Muslim groups talking to Druery program to usage the high-profile quality implicit warfare successful Gaza to harness enactment for a “teal-style” strategy to eject Labor MPs from seats with ample Muslim populations.

Mahmud Hawila, a barrister and advisor to the collective, said erstwhile Labor and Liberal operatives had already been recruited to counsel connected campaigns and door-knocking had begun. Seats successful the alliance’s sights see Wills successful Melbourne, and NSW’s Blaxland, Watson and Werriwa.


Druery’s proposal to the radical is understood to person focused connected however to found a governmental enactment that could harvest choler and disaffection successful the Muslim community.

In 2016, the national Coalition and the Greens teamed up to alteration the rules connected however voters allocate their preferences successful a determination that reduced Druery’s quality to elite insignificant enactment candidates to the national Senate. He past switched his absorption to authorities parliaments, brokering a woody betwixt Labor and Derryn Hinch successful the Victorian authorities parliament’s precocious location successful 2019 and with other insignificant parties successful 2022.

West Australians person a past of electing colourful members to the Senate. That includes autarkic Syd Negus who campaigned against inheritance taxes successful the aboriginal 1970s, the country’s archetypal Nuclear Disarmament Party typical Jo Vallentine, Dio Wang who was a subordinate of Clive Palmer’s archetypal national enactment and One Nation’s Rod Culleton, who mislaid his presumption aft being declared a bankrupt.

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