‘I have given everything’: Why Wallabies star Gordon looked at Tahs exit door

2 days ago 1

It says a spot astir Jake Gordon that adjacent erstwhile the Waratahs skipper was contemplating leaving with a twelvemonth near connected his contract, helium thought it mightiness assistance the club.

A loyal servant of NSW Rugby for 8 seasons, Gordon has led by illustration from halfback successful each azygous win, nonaccomplishment oregon draw, and helium was made skipper of the franchise successful 2021. This season, the 30-year-old played his 100th crippled successful entity blue.

So erstwhile it emerged successful May that Gordon had not lone investigated the enactment of leaving the Waratahs mid-contract to play successful France, but engaged successful talks with Rugby Australia astir a release, it was different gut punch for Tahs fans during an excruciating wooden-spoon season.

Et tu Jake?

“I conscionable saw it arsenic an accidental to effort thing different,” Gordon said. “I didn’t spot it arsenic quitting. I deliberation I person proven however overmuch the Waratahs mean to me.

“You deliberation a batch and question a batch of things erstwhile you spell done thing similar this, and determination are young halfbacks coming done astatine the Tahs and I thought, ‘Well possibly this is the transition’. At the time, it felt similar possibly this is the champion happening for the club.”

In the end, Gordon’s inquiries astir a merchandise were changeable down by Rugby Australia and helium was good with that call, too. Gordon is committed to seeing retired his declaration with NSW until the extremity of 2025 – astatine slightest – and helium was this week backmost successful Wallabies camp, aft returning from the Eddie Jones-era wilderness.

Jake Gordon grooming  with the Wallabies.

Jake Gordon grooming with the Wallabies.Credit: Getty Images

He is keen to determination himself into Test rugby, again, and hopes to beryllium portion of the Wallabies-Lions bid adjacent year.

Gordon besides sat down with this masthead to explicate that release, the aboriginal of the struggling Waratahs and wherefore helium has unfinished concern successful Wallabies gold.


The origins of Gordon’s French flirtation hint backmost to the “disappointment” of being brushed by Jones for the World Cup. Gordon took up a World Cup screen woody with Toulon successful France instead, but helium came location without playing a crippled owed to lingering concussion symptoms, suffered portion playing for Australia A.

“Even though I truly did thing implicit there, the vulnerability and seeing however awesome French rugby is, was enticing for maine astatine the time,” Gordon said.


“I came backmost and Eddie was inactive successful charge, truthful I spoke to my manager astir perchance seeing what was retired there, successful the future. There was nary timing astir it, I knew I wasn’t disconnected declaration until 2025 and we didn’t talk astir erstwhile it was going to be.

“If Eddie was to beryllium staying, it was conscionable looking astatine opportunities and however that mightiness work.”

Leading Top 14 nine Perpignan were not lone interested, they were keen for Gordon to get retired of his existing declaration and travel astatine the extremity of 2024. Was that possible?

“It seemed astatine the clip similar that timing was possibly right,” Gordon said.

“It was besides astir investigating myself successful a caller environment. I americium 30, I person been astatine the Tahs for 9 years and adjacent twelvemonth volition beryllium 10, and I was feeling similar I needed caller stimulus.”

Jake Gordon chasing a spread  for the Waratahs successful  Super Rugby.

Jake Gordon chasing a spread for the Waratahs successful Super Rugby.Credit: Getty

Jones departed and Schmidt arrived, but talks continued with Perpignan implicit the summertime and into the caller season. Gordon held talks with Rugby Australia astir wherever it saw him successful the wide representation – an authoritative petition for a merchandise was ne'er submitted – but RA told Gordon it was not consenting to entertain an aboriginal exit.

“I had immoderate conversations with Joe. He was truly honorable around, not truthful overmuch wherever I sat, but astir my rugby and wherever helium thinks I tin amended and marque immoderate adjustments. I truly enjoyed my conversations with him,” Gordon said.

“Conversations continued [with Perpignan] and it got close. But past it got to a constituent wherever they [RA] beauteous overmuch made the decision, they wanted maine to stay. Which was fine. Either 1 would person been cool.”

‘If Eddie was to beryllium staying, it was conscionable looking astatine opportunities and however that mightiness work.’

Jake Gordon

There was a logic, of sorts. Gordon is connected an RA top-up deal, and with erstwhile Junior Wallabies skipper Teddy Wilson nipping astatine his heels astatine the Tahs, determination is simply a mentation of the communicative wherever caput bureau mightiness o.k. a merchandise for a subordinate viewed arsenic connected the diminution and not successful the framework for the Wallabies.

But arsenic evidenced by his beardown signifier successful 2024, Gordon is arguably lone conscionable hitting his prime. Schmidt duly included him successful the Wallabies squad.

Did Gordon deliberation astir however a mid-contract exit would onshore among Waratahs fans? And the team?

“I did deliberation astir that a spot … but I person tried hard here, I person tried my hardest,” Gordon said.

“I person fixed everything I’ve got to triumph games oregon amended the environment. I emotion the joint. So determination was nary existent regret astir immoderate of that. It was conscionable an accidental and, astatine the time, it felt right. But it besides feels close that I americium inactive here, and I americium decidedly excited astir the adjacent year, 18 months.”


The Tahs ended a woeful play successful past spot with conscionable 2 wins. Gordon said the interest began erstwhile they played poorly successful the trials, but aft a competitory circular 1 nonaccomplishment to Queensland and a circular 2 triumph implicit the Crusaders, the temper was upbeat. But they mislaid their adjacent 3 games by two, 2 and 3 points.

“The affectional toll that took, erstwhile you are truthful adjacent ... it broke america a bit. I retrieve finishing that crippled against Fiji, and conscionable however exhausted we were [after losing successful aureate point]. Looking back, it was a turning point,” helium said.

“Then the injuries travel successful and past it conscionable got tough.”


After a three-year stint, Darren Coleman was informed his declaration wouldn’t beryllium extended astatine the extremity of the play and the Waratahs person been searching for a caller manager since. They announced Simon Raiwalui arsenic a caller manager of show connected Friday but the hold – and uncertainty – astir who volition beryllium manager is simply a interest for players contemplating whether to travel to Sydney, and those wondering if they should depart.

Jake Gordon and Darren Coleman astatine  the Super Rugby motorboat  successful  2023.

Jake Gordon and Darren Coleman astatine the Super Rugby motorboat successful 2023.Credit: Getty

“It needs to beryllium done quickly. Sooner alternatively than later,” Gordon said of the manager appointment.

“This period, we are astatine a constituent present wherever determination are guys who request to benignant retired their aboriginal and we request to get that rolling. For the adjacent coach, to person his fingerprints connected the squad is precise important. Whoever they bash recruit, it needs to beryllium a truly beardown leader.”

Gordon is simply a large protagonist of Coleman, and hopes helium is not mislaid to Australian rugby.

“His attraction and passionateness is unbelievable. You bespeak connected a fewer things and possibly if we won 2 retired of those 3 games, it’d beryllium a antithetic conversation. But I felt for him, due to the fact that it decidedly took its toll by the end,” helium said.

Gordon says helium is excited astir the imminent accomplishment of Joseph Suaalii.

New Waratahs signing Joseph Suaalii.

New Waratahs signing Joseph Suaalii.Credit: NRL Photos

“I watched him play a Roosters crippled astatine Allianz a twelvemonth agone oregon so, and it was impressive. Just astir however carnal helium is successful contact, that consecutive distant stood out,” Gordon said.

“And helium hasn’t been retired of the crippled for that long. So the accommodation won’t beryllium arsenic big.”


With Schmidt turning to galore of the experienced players who Jones snubbed, Gordon is good positioned to adhd much Test caps to his tally (20) this winter.

Despite the Waratahs’ signifier and the contractual uncertainty, Gordon turned successful 1 of his champion Super Rugby seasons yet, with a premix of skill, determination and enactment that comes erstwhile a mature subordinate appears comfy with their game.


“There is simply a small spot of regret astir Test footy. I don’t consciousness similar I person nailed it conscionable yet,” Gordon said.

“The assurance astir the accomplishment work, I tin grip that. But I truly privation to person a large year, wherever I tin explicit myself. I consciousness similar I haven’t had a twelvemonth with the Wallabies wherever I person been stoked with, wherever I americium consistent. I person had a fewer cards successful determination astatine times … I had been carded erstwhile successful my Super vocation and past I got carded successful 2 Tests backmost to backmost [in 2022].

“I would emotion to person a much accordant twelvemonth successful the gold, if that comes.”

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