"If You Gave It A Bad Rating, You're A Problem:" 29 Movies People Swear Critics Are Straight-Up Wrong About

2 days ago 3

1. Sucker Punch (2011)

Three characters, including Babydoll, from the movie  "Sucker Punch" engaging successful  an enactment   scene, with Babydoll successful  the halfway  foreground

Warner Bros. Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 22%

"I gotta beryllium honest, I wholly emotion Sucker Punch. I deliberation it is specified a bully movie, with the antithetic storylines/settings, and I bash judge it has a deeper meaning: however the pb is coping with maltreatment and the decease of her sister. I besides emotion the soundtrack."


2. Just Go With It (2011)

Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler successful  a casual edifice  scene, sitting astatine  a array  with drinks and food, having a conversation

Columbia Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection

3. Amsterdam (2022)

Christian Bale, Margot Robbie, and John David Washington successful  vintage attire, walking done  an Art Deco-inspired hallway, looking up  with superior   expressions

Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures / courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 32%

"Loved that movie each minute! Love the story, loved the quirky characters, and the music. The acting was excellent, [and] the formed was wonderful. It's precise applicable for the times that we are surviving in. It was a delightful movie astir a scary portion of our history. Somehow, it was poorly reviewed. I person nary idea! Maybe I'll ticker it again today."


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4. Femme Fatale (2002)

Rebecca Romijn and Antonio Banderas are intimately  posing, looking straight  astatine  the camera. Romijn has curly hairsbreadth  and glossy lips; Banderas has a superior   expression

Warner Brothers / courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 49%

"Brian De Palma's Femme Fatale (2002) is simply a dreamy, gleefully implausible Eurotrash rotation connected mid-century movie noir — a Hollywood B-movie dressed arsenic art-house cinema. The 49% Rotten Tomatoes people doesn't astonishment me, but De Palma's late-career thriller volition apt beryllium reconsidered by aboriginal movie buffs arsenic a sly, sexy, and, yes, superbly silly ode to Hollywood's classical pistillate archetypes."


5. Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)

Milo Thatch, wearing a brownish  vessel  apical  and glasses, shows a publication  to Kida, who has achromatic  hairsbreadth  and is wearing a bluish  bandeau apical  and jewelry, successful  a lush jungle setting

Walt Disney Co./Courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 49%

"Atlantis: The Lost Empire has a brainsick debased standing for a beauteous coagulated movie."


"It would acceptable close successful [with] the Disney Renaissance catalogue."


6. Couples Retreat (2009)

Group changeable  of people, including Jason Bateman, Kristen Bell, and Vince Vaughn, lasting  unneurotic  connected  a tropical vacation, enjoying coconut drinks and leis

Universal / courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 10%

"Please, respect me: rom-com astir joined couples going done beingness and choosing each different again. Rewatchable, quotable. If you gave it a atrocious rating, you're a problem. You're a real, existent problem."


7. The Haunted Mansion (2003)

Eddie Murphy successful  a country   from "The Haunted Mansion," holding a lit torch with an look  of surprise

Walt Disney / courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 13%

"It was spooky but amusive astatine the aforesaid time. I was successful sixth people erstwhile it came out, and I was obsessed since Haunted Mansion is my favourite thrust astatine Disney. I bought it the precise time it came retired connected DVD, lol. I thought the mentation that came retired precocious SUCKED. It had a weird vibe and wasn't arsenic beauteous to ticker scenery-wise. IDK wherefore the archetypal movie gets truthful overmuch hate. It's inactive 1 of my favorites."


8. Grease 2 (1982)

Michelle Pfeiffer, successful  a achromatic  apical  and pinkish  satin overgarment   with "Stephanie" connected  it, smiles with her hands connected  her hips

Paramount / courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 35%

"I've said it before, and I'll accidental it again: Grease 2 is the superior Grease, and I volition dice connected this hill. The songs are better. The connection is better. I STILL privation a reversible Pink Ladies jacket à la Stephanie Zinone. 'Til decease bash america part, deliberation pink!"


9. Cabin Boy (1994)

Person successful  play  costume suit   and curly wig, holding a chapeau  and leaning guardant  with a playful expression. Looks similar  a schoolroom  setting

Richard Cartwright / © Buena Vista Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 48%

"Cabin Boy is my favourite horrible movie."


10. Sahara (2005)

A shirtless antheral   stands connected  a formation  with his hands raised successful  a warring  stance, wearing a beaded necklace and watch

Paramount / courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 38%

"Sahara with Matthew McConaughey, Steve Zahn, and Penélope Cruz is 1 of my FAVORITE movies. Yes, the publication is simply a 1000 times better, and the movie is sorta trash, but I emotion it with each my bosom and volition ticker it anytime."


11. Catwoman (2004)

Halle Berry successful  a Catwoman suit   with clawed gloves, mask, and ears, crawling connected  a ledge successful  a melodramatic  scene

Warner Brothers / courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 8%

"I really emotion Catwoman. It's corny, it's campy, but Halle Berry and Benjamin Bratt are arsenic 🔥🔥🔥 successful that movie."


12. Venom (2018)

Venom, an alien symbiote with a ample  rima  afloat  of crisp  teeth and a agelong  tongue, faces an unseen character. His look  appears threatening

Columbia Pictures /Courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 30%

"He deserved amended than 30."


13. Masterminds (2016)

Kristen Wiig and Zach Galifianakis are successful  uniform, wearing information   glasses and earmuffs, astatine  a shooting range. Kristen is smiling and gesturing, portion    Zach looks astatine  her

Glen Wilson/©Relativity Media / courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 34%

"Masterminds with Zach Galifianakis and Kristen Wiig. So galore quotable and hilarious lines. I ticker it immoderate clip I privation to conscionable portion retired and giggle."


14. The Lovely Bones (2010)

A idiosyncratic   wearing glasses and a acheronian  overgarment  successful  a dimly lit room. They person  a superior   look  and are somewhat  looking to the side

Paramount Pictures / courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 31%

"I don't cognize why, but that movie perfectly mesmerizes me. I liked the publication but americium overmuch much drawn to the film. Perhaps it's Peter Jackson's fantastic, surreal scenery; it's imaginable that Saoirse Ronan & Stanley Tucci, among others, springiness specified unthinkable performances. Brian Eno's euphony is besides first-rate. It's conscionable specified a fascinating film."


15. The Wedding Planner (2001)

Jennifer Lopez successful  a sleeveless formal  and Matthew McConaughey successful  a sweater and glasses airs  against a floral backdrop, her caput  resting connected  her hand

Columbia / courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 17%

"The Wedding Planner is axenic brilliance, and nary 1 tin archer maine otherwise!!!"


"I wholly hold with you! J.Lo killed it."


16. John Carter (2012)

A idiosyncratic   with agelong  hairsbreadth  and muscular physique is wearing warrior-like attire, holding a sword, and lasting  successful  a godforsaken  setting

Frank Connor/©Walt Disney Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 52%

"John Carter is 1 of my favourite movies and besides patently 1 of Disney's lowest-rated movies of each time. The publication wasn't great, but the characters and visuals were awesome, IMO. I deliberation it was conscionable a spot up of its time, and if they made it NOW, it would beryllium a immense success."


17. The New Mutants (2020)

Maisie Williams, Henry Zaga, Blu Hunt, Charlie Heaton, and Anya Taylor-Joy basal   extracurricular  an aged  ceramic  building, dressed successful  casual and edgy outfits

Claire Folger / © 20th Century Studios / Courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 36%

"Was it perfect? No. But the acting and peculiar effects were amazing, considering each the delays and reshoots they went through. I deliberation radical are mode excessively hard connected this movie, but arsenic the past X-Men installment, it was truly decent."


18. Mortdecai (2015)

Paul Bettany, Johnny Depp, and Gwyneth Paltrow dressed formally, Depp successful  a greenish  velvet suit, Bettany successful  a leather jacket, and Paltrow successful  a strapless gown

Stephen Vaughan/©Lionsgate/Courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 12%

"Mortdecai is simply a genius movie, and it's sitting astatine 12%."


19. Club Paradise (1986)

A country   from a movie   featuring actors wearing casual clothes. The pistillate   has a light-colored vessel  apical  and the antheral   wears a patterned shirt, looking astatine  her. Names unknown

Warner Bros/Courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 11%

"Club Paradise is my hands down favourite movie. Every clip I spot it, I can't assistance but laughter retired loud. Granted, it whitethorn beryllium benignant of a dumb movie, but [it] had truthful galore large one-liners and specified a large formed with Robin Williams, Rick Moranis, Eugene Levy, and more. The large one-liners unsocial marque this specified a great, comic movie!"


20. Van Helsing (2004)

A idiosyncratic   holding a crossbow and aiming, wearing acheronian  and rugged medieval-style covering  with agelong  hair, successful  a tense enactment   scene

Universal / courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 24%

"Critics didn't similar it, and it didn't bash good capable successful theaters for the planned franchise, but it's awesome. Great action, fantastic effects, and simply a precise amusive movie!"


21. The Great Gatsby (2013)

Leonardo DiCaprio successful  a tuxedo with a bow tie, smiling against a festive inheritance  with fireworks

Warner Bros. Pictures / courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 48%

"I cognize it was met with polarizing reviews upon its release, but it truly is simply a large adaptation and builds upon the ocular and metaphorical grandeur described successful the novel. The communicative itself plays up the fantastical thought of these characters and this satellite they inhabit with the mysterious and nouveau riche Jay Gatsby and the residents of West Egg; the aged school, precocious nine types of Daisy and Tom Buchanan and East Egg; and the mediocre moving people of George and Myrtle Wilson surviving nether the watchful regard of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg successful the Valley of Ashes. I could spell connected and connected astir wherefore the movie is fantastic and should beryllium recognized arsenic the champion adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel."


22. Hoodwinked! (2005)

Red Riding Hood quality  riding a bike, carrying a handbasket  and books, successful  a wood  setting

The Weinstein Company / courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 46%

"It was specified a classical successful my location increasing up, and my siblings and I inactive punctuation it regularly to each other. I was shocked erstwhile I heard a batch of radical didn't similar it."


23. P.S. I Love You (2007)

Hilary Swank wearing a stylish achromatic  chapeau  and coat, holds papers portion    Gerard Butler, successful  a leather jacket, looks on. They are outdoors with a blurred background

Warner Bros./Courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 25%

"You volition ne'er person maine that it is not 1 of the top emotion stories of each time, adjacent if it lone scored 25% connected Rotten Tomatoes."


24. Bewitched (2005)

Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrell beryllium   connected  a porch. Nicole is dressed successful  a airy  overgarment   and pinkish  top, portion    Will wears a brownish  overgarment   implicit    a bluish  shirt

Columbia / courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 24%

"Why it inactive gets the hatred it does is beyond me. Will Ferrell wasn't acrophobic to marque amusive of however helium was seen astatine the time, and Nicole Kidman gives the benignant of show that you'd person wanted if she'd been formed successful a genuine Elizabeth Montgomery biopic."


25. Glitter (2001)

Mariah Carey smiles and talks with fans successful  a lively nightclub setting, wearing a headscarf and casual attire. Several radical   situation   her, engaged successful  conversation

20th Century Fox Film Corp. All rights reserved.

Rotten Tomatoes score: 6%

"I don't attraction what anyone says: Glitter remains 1 of my favourite movies of each time. If thing else, Mariah remade immoderate astonishing '80s hits and sounded amazing. The supporting actors were each great, and the communicative was coagulated and adjacent partially true, particularly the opening of her vocation wherever she started disconnected arsenic a inheritance vocalist for a pistillate who can't sing! The movie is an implicit gem, and I volition judge nary Glitter slander!


26. Battleship (2012)

Rihanna successful  a naval azygous   operates a ample  ship-mounted instrumentality   weapon  with an aggravated  look  amidst a rainy backdrop

Universal Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 34%

"It's truly amended than astir radical think. Give it a chance; you whitethorn beryllium surprised. If it's connected broadcast TV, chances are I'm watching it. It's a bully escapist movie."

— Anonymous

27. Jupiter Ascending (2015)

Channing Tatum is seated successful  a room, wearing a sleeveless, textured top, displaying a tattoo connected  his close    arm. He appears to beryllium  successful  mid-conversation oregon  thought

Murray Close/© Warner Bros. Pictues / courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 28%

"Is it ridiculous? Yes, but it's a amusive ridiculous. Honestly, if it were a caller instead, it would beryllium each implicit BookTok. Instead, it's a delightfully weird movie with Eddie Redmayne having a blast chewing the scenery and Channing Tatum looking acold hotter than helium usually does."

— Anonymous

28. The Postman (1997)

Kevin Costner holds a rifle, portion    Olivia Williams stands beside him, looking successful  the aforesaid  direction, successful  an outdoor setting

Warner Bros. / courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 14%

"So galore radical similar to propulsion shadiness astatine The Postman contempt the information that they've ne'er really seen it. They conscionable heard that Waterworld was atrocious (I disagree), truthful they lump them together. The Postman is simply a truly bully post-apocalyptic movie with a coagulated crippled and large scenery."

— Anonymous

29. Finally, A Cinderella Story (2004)

A pistillate   with agelong  blonde hair, wearing tiny  reddish  novelty glasses, holds a decorative cupful  with a straw

Warner Brothers / courtesy Everett Collection

Rotten Tomatoes score: 11%

"Jennifer Coolidge did NOT springiness america the campy show of a beingness successful A Cinderella Story for it to get a measly 11% connected Rotten Tomatoes. We request JUSTICE."


Responses were edited for spelling, length, clarity, and grammar.

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