Israel signals it will turn on Khan Younis after weeks hammering Rafah

2 days ago 1
By Mohammad Jahjouh, Samy Magdy and Julia Frankel

July 2, 2024 — 6.00pm

Khan Younis: The Israeli service has ordered a wide evacuation of Palestinians from overmuch of Khan Younis, a motion that troops are apt to motorboat a caller crushed battle into the Gaza Strip’s second-largest city.

The bid suggests Khan Younis volition beryllium the latest people of Israel’s raids into parts of Gaza it had antecedently invaded successful the war, arsenic it pursues regrouping Hamas militants. Much of Khan Younis was destroyed successful a agelong battle earlier this year, but ample numbers of Palestinians had moved backmost to flight different Israeli violative successful Gaza’s southernmost city, Rafah.

Palestinians fly  parts of Khan Younis aft  an Israeli evacuation order.

Palestinians fly parts of Khan Younis aft an Israeli evacuation order.Credit: AP

The evacuation came arsenic Israel released the manager of what was erstwhile Gaza’s largest infirmary aft holding him for 7 months without complaint oregon trial. Israel alleged the infirmary had been utilized arsenic a Hamas bid centre, which helium and different Palestinian wellness officials person denied. The doc said helium and different detainees were held nether harsh conditions and tortured.

The determination to merchandise Mohammed Abu Selmia raised questions implicit Israel’s claims surrounding Al-Shifa Hospital, which Israeli forces person raided doubly since the commencement of the warfare with Hamas. The infirmary was near severely damaged aft the raids.

Abu Selmia’s merchandise triggered an uproar crossed Israel’s governmental spectrum. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s bureau called it “a sedate mistake”. Government ministers and absorption leaders expressed outrage and insisted Abu Selmia played a relation successful Hamas’ alleged usage of the infirmary – though Israeli information services seldom unilaterally escaped prisoners if they person a suspicion of militant links.


The evacuation bid covered the eastbound fractional of Khan Younis and a ample swath of the Gaza Strip’s south-east corner. The service said a barrage of rockets fired earlier retired of Gaza was fired from Khan Younis.

As nighttime fell, streams of civilians trudged connected ft beside a dependable travel of vehicles arsenic radical began making their mode retired of the evacuation zone. A pistillate dragged a rolling suitcase with a small miss riding connected top. Others carried a fewer important belongings – mattresses, clothing, integrative buckets for washing, an electrical fan. Trucks were piled precocious with possessions and furniture.

“We received a connection connected our mobile phones” to evacuate, said 1 displaced pistillate Zeinab Abu Jazar, holding backmost tears. “Look astatine these children, however they walk. We did not find a car to thrust in.”

Israel told radical to determination to Muwasi, a coastal country designated by the Israeli service arsenic a harmless portion and which has go filled with crowded and unsanitary structure camps.


The bid suggested a caller battle into Khan Younis was imminent. Israeli forces fought for weeks successful Khan Younis earlier this twelvemonth and withdrew, claiming to person destroyed Hamas battalions. But successful different places wherever the subject has made akin claims, renewed raids person underscored Hamas’ capabilities.

Netanyahu said Monday that the subject was “making advancement toward ending the signifier of the demolition of Hamas’ panic army.” But helium said forces volition proceed to “target their remains going forward.”

Most of Gaza’s colonisation of 2.3 cardinal person fled their homes, with galore displaced aggregate times. Israeli restrictions, warring and the breakdown of nationalist bid person hindered the transportation of humanitarian aid, fuelling wide hunger and sparking fears of famine.

The determination to merchandise Abu Selmia and 54 different Palestinian detainees backmost into Gaza appeared to beryllium meant to escaped up abstraction successful overcrowded detention centres. Since the commencement of the war, Israeli forces person detained thousands of Palestinians from Gaza and the occupied West Bank. Many are being held without complaint oregon proceedings successful what is known arsenic administrative detention.


“Our detainees person been subjected to each kinds of torture down bars,” Abu Selmia told a quality conference. “There was astir regular torture.”

He said guards utilized batons to bushed detainees and terrorised them with dogs. He said immoderate detainees had limbs amputated due to the fact that of mediocre aesculapian care. He said a beating caused his caput to bleed and guards broke his finger.

The allegations could not beryllium independently confirmed but matched different accounts of Palestinians who person been held successful Israeli custody. There was nary contiguous effect from the situation service, which has denied akin accusations.

Israel launched its violative aft Hamas’ October 7 attack, successful which Palestinian militants killed immoderate 1200 radical crossed confederate Israel and took different 250 hostage. In its campaign, Israel has killed astatine slightest 37,900 Palestinians, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry, which does not accidental however galore were civilians oregon fighters.


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