It’s time to overhaul India’s capital gains tax regime

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premium Opinion

Livemint 3 min read 27 Jun 2024, 08:30 AM IST

Gains made from golden  exchange-traded funds (ETFs) bought aft  2023-24 began are taxed astatine  the marginal rate. Gains made from golden exchange-traded funds (ETFs) bought aft 2023-24 began are taxed astatine the marginal rate.


  • The Union fund should reset this levy for simplicity, uniformity and fairness. It’s precocious clip India relieved investors of the complexity that has made superior gains a bewildering maze.

As this year’s last fund nears, taxation changes to relieve citizens and stimulate depletion are a taxable of speculation. A absorption country that awaits attention, though, is India’s superior gains taxation regime. While changes person been made, it remains analyzable and unfair. 

The rates of this taxation disagree by plus classes, portion it besides lacks consistency crossed investments successful the mode its short-term mentation is levied much heavy than the semipermanent kind. Gains from the merchantability of listed shares oregon equity communal funds held for little than 12 months, for example, are classified arsenic short-term, and arsenic semipermanent beyond that period; the applicable rates are 15% and 10% respectively, with the second taxation kicking successful if yearly gains transcend 1 lakh. 

In contrast, gains connected indebtedness communal funds are taxed astatine the marginal complaint of income tax, careless of however agelong they are held. And successful the lawsuit of existent estate, the cut-off is 2 years, with superior gains taxed astatine the marginal complaint of income taxation successful lawsuit spot is sold wrong that span, and astatine 20% (after adjusting for inflation) if it’s held longer. 

Also read: Budget 2024: Expectations for taxation sops nether aged authorities tally high

Also, this taxation tin beryllium avoided by reinvesting the proceeds successful different property. Equity investors, however, indispensable wage up adjacent if they are lone utilizing the wealth to shuffle their portfolio. Holders of carnal gold, meanwhile, indispensable clasp this metallic for 3 years for their gains to suffice arsenic long-term.

Each regularisation whitethorn person had a reason, but taken together, their saltation makes concern readying achy for those who brave it connected their own. Since each taxation should spell by the cardinal rule that radical should easy beryllium capable to enactment retired their liability, it’s clip to simplify the regime. 

Rate saltation serves arsenic a instrumentality to change concern incentives, nary doubt, but the lone facet of it that’s easy justified is the heavier load placed connected quicker buying and selling. Speculators paying much is simply a well-accepted practice, though what counts arsenic short-term should beryllium the aforesaid for each avenues. 

Varied rates crossed plus classes are harder to explain, since their circumstantial argumentation aims indispensable outweigh the hidden ill-effects of distorted concern flows overall. The authorities has lately sought to extremity anomalies. Debt communal funds, for instance, nary longer bask a saccharine woody if held long-term. 

While they person been brought astatine par with fixed deposits held with banks—which, similar stock dividends, are besides taxed astatine the marginal rate—we find that investors don’t person it immoderate easier erstwhile it comes to picking assets. Consider the complexity faced by golden investors. 

Also read: Income taxation implications of trading successful shares and F&O explained

Gains made from golden exchange-traded funds (ETFs) bought aft 2023-24 began are taxed astatine the marginal rate. All gains connected carnal golden sold wrong 3 years are treated the same, but a complaint of 20% (with ostentation adjustment) applies if liquidated later. 

Plus, superior gains connected sovereign golden bonds are exempt from taxation if held for their afloat eight-year tenure. Sure, stoking request for insubstantial golden tin assistance incorporate our bullion imports, but wherefore dainty golden ETFs differently?

India’s superior gains taxation authorities needs an overhaul aimed astatine simplicity, uniformity and fairness. For a non-distortive strategy that eases concern choices, we could dainty each short-term holdings isolated from semipermanent with a communal cut-off of 1 twelvemonth (and ostentation accommodation for a half-decade span oregon more) and use the aforesaid rates for some crossed plus classes. 

Changes whitethorn airs a situation if their interaction needs to beryllium gross neutral. But implicit time, a authorities that’s easier to travel volition surely enthuse much investors and wage disconnected fiscally.

Also read: Why retail investors privation to spot a alteration successful the superior gains taxation regime

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