LeBron James, son Bronny to play together at Lakers after draft move

2 days ago 3
By Rory Carroll

June 28, 2024 — 9.13am

Los Angeles: Bronny James was selected by the Los Angeles Lakers successful the 2nd circular of the NBA draught connected Thursday (Friday AEST), bringing his begetter LeBron 1 measurement person to fulfilling his long-held imagination of playing alongside his son.

Bronny, 19, was informed of the Lakers’ determination with a telephone telephone from wide manager Rob Pelinka.

LeBron James, left, poses with his lad   Bronny successful  2019.

LeBron James, left, poses with his lad Bronny successful 2019.Credit: AP

No father-son duo has ever played alongside each different successful the league earlier and portion Bronny is not expected to log important minutes successful his rookie season, it volition nary uncertainty beryllium a peculiar infinitesimal erstwhile they look unneurotic for the archetypal clip connected the NBA hardwood.

LeBron was aged 19 and the reigning NBA Rookie of the Year erstwhile his present woman Savannah gave commencement to LeBron Raymone “Bronny” James jnr successful Akron, Ohio successful 2004.

Bronny attracted tremendous attraction arsenic a precocious schoolhouse subordinate astatine Sierra Canyon School successful Los Angeles and successful his elder twelvemonth was joined by his younger member Bryce, a 17-year-old imaginable NBA prospect.

Last twelvemonth Bronny suffered a cardiac apprehension portion training with the University of Southern California (USC) hoops squad and was placed successful intensive care.

Bronny James during his sole play   with the USC Trojans.

Bronny James during his sole play with the USC Trojans.Credit: AP

He was cleared to instrumentality to the squad successful November and went connected to mean 4.8 points, 2.8 rebounds and 2.1 assists per crippled playing defender successful his lone play with the Trojans.

There was immoderate speculation that different squad with a higher prime mightiness swoop successful and instrumentality Bronny earlier the Lakers, either to entice LeBron to power teams oregon to simply messiness with the Lakers’ plans. But doing truthful would hazard raising the ire of Rich Paul, the almighty NBA cause who represents Bronny, LeBron and galore top-tier players.


LeBron, the league’s all-time starring scorer and a four-time champion, turns 40 successful December and is entering into the 22nd play of his legendary career.

The Lakers, who fell successful the archetypal circular of the NBA play-offs successful April, person their enactment chopped retired for them successful the competitory Western Conference adjacent play with first-time caput manager JJ Redick astatine the helm. Fans could get their archetypal look of Bronny successful a Lakers azygous erstwhile the NBA’s Summer League kicks disconnected successful Las Vegas connected July 12.


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