Mental health programs in firing line of hospital budget cuts

2 days ago 2

Mental wellness programs are being deed with redundancies and hiring freezes arsenic hospitals hunt for savings to bring them successful enactment with budgets projected by the Allan government.

Health services crossed the authorities are looking for savings to conscionable exemplary budgets enactment guardant by the Department of Health, arsenic the authorities authorities tries to bring spending nether power owed to spiralling authorities debt.

The Royal Children’s Hospital successful  Melbourne is among those proposing redundancies arsenic  portion  of fund  discussions.

The Royal Children’s Hospital successful Melbourne is among those proposing redundancies arsenic portion of fund discussions. Credit: Chris Hopkins

In a missive seen by The Age outlining expected changes, the Royal Children’s Hospital is proposing to marque six antithetic programs and teams redundant successful their intelligence wellness department, including a squad focused connected aboriginal involution for children and adolescents with behavioural challenges.

The projected redundancies, which are expected to impact up to 15 unit if finalised, volition mean a simplification successful the fig of advisor psychiatrists connected call. Positions created to supply adept proposal to absorption volition besides beryllium cut.

“In bid to present much focused and strategically aligned services, and to enactment wrong backing parameters, the absorption of the RCH Mental Health Department volition beryllium connected providing halfway objective services,” the missive reads.


The RCH besides acknowledged that closing its aboriginal involution programme for children and adolescents would apt determination request from patients to different areas, forecasting a imaginable emergence successful referrals for assemblage intelligence wellness services.

In the letter, the infirmary said it would show the interaction connected referrals and hold times for patients and respond.

Mental wellness departments volition besides beryllium among those affected by hiring freezes being rolled retired crossed the system, including those revealed by this masthead astatine 2 of Melbourne’s biggest wellness services Northern Health and Western Health.

Both services person announced recruitment holds arsenic they enactment to rein successful spending. The freezes bash not use to exigency section roles, but different jobs viewed arsenic captious volition beryllium assessed connected a case-by-case basis.

Health and Community Services Union authorities caput Paul Healey said staffing freezes and imaginable redundancies would endanger the prime of attraction intelligence wellness workers provided.

“At a clip erstwhile request for intelligence wellness services is soaring, cutting unit is not conscionable short-sighted – it’s dangerous,” helium said.

“When unit permission and aren’t replaced, those near down look dangerously expanding workloads.

“We’re entering negotiations with a wide message: put successful our intelligence wellness workforce oregon hazard a situation successful care. Adequate staffing, manageable workloads, and just wages aren’t conscionable national demands – they’re indispensable for the wellbeing of some our workers and the susceptible Victorians they support.


“The projected cuts to wellness services alert successful the look of everything we cognize astir effectual intelligence wellness care. Our members are already stretched thin. Further reductions successful staffing volition lone exacerbate burnout and compromise care.”

A authorities spokesperson said the authorities was investing $20 cardinal into hospitals successful this year’s budget.

“Our intelligence wellness concern this twelvemonth unsocial is astir $3 billion, which is astir treble the fund earlier the Royal Commission,” they said.

“Only Labor invests successful our wellness system. The lone governmental enactment that cuts and closes hospitals is the Liberal Party.”

In the authorities budget, the authorities committed to supply an further $8.8 cardinal successful upfront backing to hospitals implicit the adjacent 4 years. This was portion of a caller backing exemplary wherever wellness services person been told they volition not person their finances topped up erstwhile they spell into debt, arsenic has been the lawsuit successful erstwhile fiscal years.

Opposition wellness spokeswoman Georgie Crozier said cuts would person flow-on effects.

“The government’s savage backing cuts are going to enactment much unit connected our exigency departments and exigency services and that volition person a antagonistic to bully diligent outcomes,” she said.

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