New housemate charged with stabbing murder of Sydney woman

2 days ago 1

A antheral has been charged with the stabbing execution of an interior westbound pistillate conscionable 2 weeks aft helium moved into her home.

Police recovered the assemblage of the woman, believed to beryllium successful her 50s, astatine a location connected Clements Street successful Russell Lea connected Thursday morning.

Police allege her caller housemate, 42-year-old Benjamin Art, stabbed her aggregate times. The pistillate yet died from a stab coiled to the neck, constabulary allege.

It was a subordinate of the nationalist who rang triple zero erstwhile they heard a pistillate “who needed help” screaming, Burwood Commander Superintendent Christine McDonald said connected Thursday.

All 5 radical surviving astatine the location were contiguous astatine the clip of the attack.

“They are ... upset. The country that constabulary arrived to, it is precise wide that is simply a homicide. You tin ideate if you were known to the victim, you would beryllium highly distressed,” McDonald said.

Police astatine  the country   of a fatal stabbing successful  Russell Lea connected  Thursday.

Police astatine the country of a fatal stabbing successful Russell Lea connected Thursday.Credit: Nikki Short

“We cognize that the unfortunate and the different housemates moved into this residence 5 to six weeks ago. We cognize that the [person of interest] moved successful 2 to 3 weeks ago.”

Police arrested Art astatine the country and helium was taken to Prince Alfred Hospital for attraction for a fig of injuries. He was aboriginal discharged and taken to Burwood Police Station, wherever helium was charged with murder.

Art, who volition look Parramatta Local Court connected Friday, was not successful an intimate narration with the woman, constabulary said.

If you oregon idiosyncratic you cognize is affected by intersexual assault, home oregon household violence, telephone 1800RESPECT connected 1800 737 732.

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