The hidden costs that are killing live music festivals

2 days ago 1

Pill investigating astatine euphony festivals is expected to trim risk. But arsenic acold arsenic the security manufacture is concerned, it lone increases it.

“Clearly it’s the ineligible liability,” Insurance Council of Australia elder argumentation serviceman Tom Lunn told a parliamentary enquiry successful Canberra this week. “If you really connection to supply immoderate benignant of service, automatically – notwithstanding you’re doing it retired of goodwill to support radical harmless – it tin person immoderate impacts connected your liability. If you offer, for example, a pill-testing service.”

His colleague, the council’s wide manager of regulatory and user policy, Alexandra Hordern, went further.

“Providing a pill-testing work whitethorn pb to a cognition of a much permissive benignant of information culture,” she said. “And that whitethorn summation the hazard among underwriters.”

Rising security  costs are 1  of the large   obstacles facing some  festivals and fixed euphony  venues.

Rising security costs are 1 of the large obstacles facing some festivals and fixed euphony venues.

At a clip erstwhile Australia’s unrecorded euphony manufacture is nether utmost unit acknowledgment to everything from utmost upwind and the rising outgo of touring, with adjacent events erstwhile considered excessively large to neglect similar Splendour successful the Grass being cancelled, the past happening the manufacture needs is simply a expected salve – pill investigating – turning into a fiscal nightmare.

For the cofounder of Harm Reduction Australia, Gino Vumbaca, the presumption of the security manufacture lobby radical is beyond frustrating.

“We person provided reams of accusation to them, and they don’t adjacent look to work it. Our protocols are rather wide astir what we’re doing,” helium says.


Vumbaca says the enactment carried retired by qualified volunteers nether the auspices of Pill Testing Australia ne'er includes proposal that a cause is harmless to consume. “Whether it’s alcohol, a ineligible oregon amerciable drug, it doesn’t matter: determination are imaginable harms from it that you archer radical about. We ne'er say, ‘Oh, you’re close to go’.”

Some radical propulsion their drugs distant aft learning what’s successful them, says Vumbaca. But if they take to devour them regardless, the tester tin hardly beryllium held accountable, helium argues.

“If you spell to your doctor, and your doc says: ‘You shouldn’t beryllium smoking and drinking, and these are each the problems’, and past you spell up and fume and drink, tin you writer your doctor? Of people not.”

Gino Vumbaca (right) presents to Victorian Parliament successful  2019.

Gino Vumbaca (right) presents to Victorian Parliament successful 2019.Credit: Harm Reduction Australia

That spread connected the contented of pill testing, which is present successful spot successful the ACT and Queensland and soon to beryllium trialled successful Victoria, doesn’t simply correspond a philosophical difference. It has applicable implications.

When the archetypal trials were carried retired astatine Canberra’s Groovin the Moo festival successful 2018, security outgo $7000. But erstwhile they became authoritative successful 2022, Pill Testing Australia recovered it intolerable to get sum astatine all. And without insurance, determination tin beryllium nary testing.

More than a twelve insurers declined to screen the operation, galore judging it to beryllium “outside halfway hazard appetite”, “outside underwriting guidelines”, oregon simply “not 1 for us”.

A mates of insurers did connection quotes – of $170,000 and $250,000. Ultimately, screen was found, astatine a outgo of $80,000 per annum (the argumentation is national, and volition screen operations successful Victoria and immoderate different states that follow testing).

But this isn’t the lone country wherever security has emerged arsenic a cardinal situation for the unrecorded euphony and festival sector.

For some, it has go astir intolerable to obtain. For others, it is simply prohibitively expensive; the ACT authorities submission, for instance, cites the lawsuit of a metropolis nightclub that has experienced a 400 per cent summation successful security costs from 2019 ($100,000) to 2023 ($500,000).

“Small venues with a absorption connected unrecorded euphony are not differentiated from ample clubs and hotels, and insurers person mostly taken a one-size-fits-all attack contempt important differences,” notes the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman.

It’s tempting to overgarment the security companies arsenic the villains successful this scenario. But is that wholly fair?


The Insurance Council of Australia says premiums are up due to the fact that claims are up. “Between 2009 and 2013, claims costs were mostly stable,” Lunn told the inquiry. “But since 2015, claims costs person accrued by an mean of 5.5 per cent per annum.”

The mean wounded assertion successful Australia is present $130,000. About 5 per cent of each claims settee for much than $1 million. Psychological claims are having a “huge impact”, the assembly claimed. “It wasn’t determination 10 to 15 years ago. Now it’s 1 of the largest components of a idiosyncratic wounded claim.”

The nationalist liability assemblage is moving astatine a loss, the assembly claimed, typically paying retired 120 per cent of premiums (for each $1000 successful argumentation revenue, claims outgo $1200).

“There’s nary uncertainty Australia is becoming an progressively litigious society,” they added.

The occupation with those statistics, though, is that they connection small circumstantial penetration into the euphony industry. Indeed, the astir caller report from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority recovered that successful the non-parks and gardens portion of the taste and recreation sector, “the nonaccomplishment ratio is much accordant and whitethorn beryllium emerging little successful the 2018 to 2020 underwriting years”. Claims tin instrumentality years to beryllium settled, hence the lag.

The Canberra limb  of Groovin the Moo hosted Australia’s archetypal  pill investigating  trials successful  2018 and 2019.

The Canberra limb of Groovin the Moo hosted Australia’s archetypal pill investigating trials successful 2018 and 2019. Credit: Rohan Thomson

Still, there’s small question the security manufacture sees the unrecorded euphony assemblage arsenic fundamentally challenging. In its submission, the Insurance Council of Australia notes that factors specified arsenic “the work of alcohol, precocious operating hours, the usage of staging, rigging and different instrumentality and a much fluid and mobile labour force” marque unrecorded euphony venues “difficult to insure”.

One happening connected which the euphony manufacture and the security lobby tin hold is that betterment is needed successful the country of nationalist liability.


“Festivals request a government-run oregon -backed security scheme,” the Australian Festival Association wrote successful its submission. “We person been asking for this since the process extremity of COVID.”

The Insurance Council argued: “There needs to beryllium a reappraisal of existent civilian liability settings successful Australia to guarantee they stay acceptable for intent and are conducive to ensuring ongoing security availability and accessibility.” Of course, immoderate reforms determination would travel connected to areas beside the euphony sector, and that would beryllium a monolithic triumph for the security manufacture arsenic a whole.

Rising security costs are “clearly a precedence country that requires a argumentation effect oregon involution for the manufacture to beryllium sustainable”, wrote euphony manufacture advisor John Wardle. “This enquiry has an important relation to play successful processing solutions for the sector.”

Whether it tin present them remains to beryllium seen.

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