The star Pies racing the clock to face Bombers; Umpiring standard is as good as ever, says AFL boss

2 days ago 1


Though Lachie Schultz, who returns aft recovering from gastro, shapes arsenic a like-for-like replacement for McCreery, the Pies squad volition beryllium importantly weaker connected insubstantial if Maynard and Josh Daicos cannot flooded six-day breaks.

The Pies already person six premiership players unavailable, including the retired Nathan Murphy and the traded Jack Ginnivan, positive Noble, who has go a regular this year.

The setbacks travel a week aft Scott Pendlebury, Brody Mihocek and Jordan De Goey each returned from injury.
Though expected by galore to beryllium the main information to Sydney and Carlton, the Pies volition astir surely autumn retired of the 8 if they suffer to the Bombers.

Sicily has avoided country for present aft dislocating his close enarthrosis for the 2nd clip this season.

Though helium needs to walk a fittingness trial to instrumentality connected the Cats astatine GMHBA Stadium connected Saturday, helium tin expect to beryllium disposable for a decent chunk of the Hawks’ tally home, successful a large boost to the club’s hopes of securing an improbable finals berth.

He missed 2 games aft hurting his enarthrosis against the Western Bulldogs but had not been hampered by the contented until re-injuring the associated successful a marking contention against the West Coast.

Hawthorn skipper James Sicily dislocated his enarthrosis  against West Coast.

Hawthorn skipper James Sicily dislocated his enarthrosis against West Coast.Credit: AFL Photos

Kennedy is besides a accidental to enactment up for the Blues aft being cleared of harm to the medial collateral ligament successful his close knee.

There had been fears connected Sunday nighttime the in-form Kennedy was acceptable for an extended stint connected the sidelines but scans cleared him of structural damage.

Kennedy volition request to walk a fittingness trial to look the Giants but is considered lone an extracurricular accidental to retrieve with lone a six-day break.

Running instrumentality Matthew Cottrell volition besides person to acquisition a test, though whitethorn person to instrumentality via the VFL aft Orazio Fantasia’s four-goal haul successful the defensive-forward relation helium vacated.


The Giants’ spluttering play deed different large hurdle with Kelly injuring a calf musculus for the 2nd clip this season. The silky-skilled left-footer underwent scans connected Tuesday, which revealed a strain to the calf connected his different leg. Kelly was successful his 3rd crippled backmost from injury, which had ruled him retired for 4 weeks earlier successful the season.

The Giants accidental helium faces 4 to 5 weeks out, during which they person investigating assignments against finals contenders Carlton, Gold Coast, Melbourne and Hawthorn. Kelly is the club’s astir prolific goalkicking midfielder with 15 goals this year.

Gun defender Sam Taylor volition beryllium retired a further 2 games arsenic helium recovers from country to repair a ruptured testicle.

Taylor, who resumed moving this week, requires further scans earlier helium is cleared for a return, which volition not travel earlier than circular 19.

The Giants would dearly emotion for Taylor, an All-Australian successful 2022, to beryllium disposable this week to instrumentality connected either of Carlton’s duplicate towers Charlie Curnow oregon Harry McKay. The Coleman Medal-winning brace destroyed the Giants successful a almighty 10-minute burst successful circular seven.

Umpiring modular is arsenic bully arsenic ever, says AFL boss

The modular of umpiring is arsenic bully arsenic ever contempt wide outcry, AFL main enforcement Andrew Dillon says.

Dillon is staunchly defending caller umpires main Steve McBurney and his cohort amid disapproval of decisions influencing the result of respective games this season.

AFL CEO Andrew Dillon spoke successful  Adelaide connected  Tuesday.

AFL CEO Andrew Dillon spoke successful Adelaide connected Tuesday.Credit: AFL Photos

“I walk a batch of clip with the umpires, talking to Steve McBurney who’s heading it up, but besides idiosyncratic umpires,” Dillon said successful Adelaide connected Tuesday.

“Our umpires, it’s an incredibly pugnacious crippled to umpire, but we’ve got elite decision-makers, they’re elite athletes, but they proceed to enactment their craft.

“All sports are truly hard to officiate, but I deliberation our athletics is 1 of the hardest ones.

“What our absorption connected is really conscionable preparing our umpires and making definite we get the processes close and proceed to umpire arsenic good arsenic we can.

“It’s arsenic bully arsenic it’s ever been, the umpiring.

“We’re successful the 2nd twelvemonth connected the four-umpire strategy arsenic well, truthful we’re connected a travel with the four-umpire system.”

Dillon said the caller absorption connected umpiring decisions was a by-product of the closeness of the league.

“The contention is truthful tight,” helium said.

“I don’t recognize why, but there’s ever been a absorption connected umpiring – I’m beauteous aged and it has been astir for arsenic agelong arsenic I’ve been astir and volition proceed to be.

“But I deliberation due to the fact that the contention is truthful choky that possibly determination is an accrued absorption connected the umpires.”

The AFL hierarchy has successful immoderate instances this play publically admitted mistakes successful days pursuing contentious calls.

“But we don’t privation to beryllium up each Monday talking astir umpiring decisions,” Dillon said.

Essendon manager Brad Scott, a erstwhile AFL wide manager of football, said the league’s Monday explanations “can marque a spot of a rod for your ain back”.


“I recognize the fans’ frustration,” Scott said.

“And I deliberation the interest for the crippled much broadly is that determination are radical who person been progressive successful the crippled each their lives who didn’t person a wide knowing of however the rules are adjudicated.

“If that’s the case, what anticipation has the instrumentality who’s sitting up successful the bleachers oregon watching astatine location connected TV got?

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