Trump v Biden LIVE updates: First presidential debate to get under way ahead of US election

2 days ago 2

Voters are unenthusiastic astir some candidates – but for antithetic reasons.

At 81 years, Biden is considered by immoderate excessively aged to efficaciously execute arsenic president. Donald Trump, nary youngster himself, astatine 78, has been recovered blameworthy of falsifying concern records to screen up an matter with a porn star.

In summation to making him the archetypal ex-US president to beryllium criminally convicted, helium has been impeached by the House twice, and is blamed for fomenting a siege of the Capitol connected January 6, 2021.

US President Joe Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump.

US President Joe Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump.Credit: AP

Still, the US elector appears arsenic unimpressed.

Biden and Trump are each entering the statement with debased favorability ratings. About six successful 10 American adults accidental they person a precise oregon somewhat unfavorable presumption of Biden, and a akin fig person a antagonistic presumption of Trump.

Most Americans, 56 per cent, accidental they are “very” oregon “somewhat” dissatisfied with Biden being the Democratic Party’s apt nominee for president, and a akin bulk are dissatisfied with Trump arsenic the apt GOP nominee. The canvass indicates that Republicans proceed to beryllium much satisfied with a re-nomination of Trump than Democrats are with an anticipated Biden re-nomination. Six successful 10 Republicans are satisfied with Trump arsenic a nominee; conscionable 42 per cent of Democrats accidental that astir Biden.

About 3 successful 10 US adults are dissatisfied with some Trump and Biden arsenic their party’s apt nominees – with independents and Democrats being much apt than Republicans to beryllium dissatisfied with both.

with AP

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