US election: Democrat Gavin Newsom looks best placed to replace Biden

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premium Opinion

Erika D. Smith 4 min read 02 Jul 2024, 03:00 PM IST

Now successful  his 2nd  and past  word  arsenic  governor, Newsom has run  currency  and entree  to more. (AP) Now successful his 2nd and past word arsenic governor, Newsom has run currency and entree to more. (AP)


  • While Newsom's beingness astatine the Trump-Biden statesmanlike statement raised questions, helium is arguably champion equipped—in fund-raising, messaging and run infrastructure—to measurement up successful an emergency. Most American voters look to spot Joe Biden arsenic excessively aged to beryllium president.

When cameras captured California Governor Gavin Newsom walking into CNN’s rotation country past Thursday, flashing his Hollywood grin earlier the statesmanlike statement successful Atlanta, a fewer governmental observers successful his location authorities rushed to societal media with immoderate mentation of the aforesaid annoyed question: “Why is helium there?" 

He was determination to cheer connected President Joe Biden earlier his statement with erstwhile President Donald Trump. “Biden is confident," Newsom told reporters. “He’s got a grounds and he’s got a imaginativeness for the future."

A mates of achy hours later, aft a statement successful which Biden, his dependable raspy and halting, looked each spot of his 81 years, that imaginativeness for the aboriginal seemed cloudy. Biden’s frail quality led to contiguous and wide speculation that helium would beryllium pushed to diminution the Democratic nomination. And that benignant of talk, successful turn, leads rapidly to Newsom.

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Of the galore salient Democrats with aspirations for higher office, Newsom is arguably champion equipped—in fund-raising, messaging and run infrastructure, to measurement up successful an emergency. And this is, by each indications, 1 for the party. 

The 90 minutes that Biden spent connected signifier with Trump, unrecorded earlier millions of viewers, served to reenforce what polls person indicated since Biden decided to tally for re-election: Most voters judge helium is excessively aged to beryllium president.

The panic among Democratic Party insiders could easiness successful coming days if post-debate polling doesn’t crook retired to beryllium arsenic dire arsenic galore suspect. But if the enactment is looking for a replacement, Newsom is an evident choice. Fellow Californian Vice President Kamala Harris could bash the job, of course. 

But polling typically shows Harris with precocious unfavourable numbers and, if Biden’s candidacy goes south, her ties to the president whitethorn beryllium much occupation than help.

Meanwhile, Newsom, politician of the astir populous US state, has agelong appeared to beryllium moving a benignant of shadiness run arsenic Biden’s backup. He has emerged arsenic 1 of the president’s astir effectual and telegenic surrogates, a predominant beingness connected cablegram quality and assertive connected societal media.

Newsom hasn’t shied distant from the civilization wars, winning fans successful immoderate Democratic circles. For example, successful a splashy statement past autumn connected Fox News against his favourite Republican opponent, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Newsom called retired DeSantis for his policies banning books, whitewashing African-American past and targeting transgender pupil athletes. “You onslaught susceptible communities," Newsom told DeSantis. “You’re thing but a bully. I recognize that intimidating and humiliating people, that’s your calling card."

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Now successful his 2nd and past word arsenic governor, Newsom besides has run currency and entree to more. He has utilized his fund-raising prowess to enactment Democratic candidates moving successful ‘red’ Republican states and to propulsion solidly wide causes, specified arsenic termination rights.

Newsom besides has been raising his illustration overseas, overmuch to the aggravation of galore who privation his attraction successful California. Last month, helium was astatine the Vatican to speech with Pope Francis astir clime change. Last year, helium met Chinese person Xi Jinping and besides visited Israel. Closer home, helium has been backmost and distant to the White House. He’s doing that happening that each statesmanlike hopefuls do: He is moving connected a memoir.

Newsom has dismissed speculation that helium is moving for president. At the debate, helium didn’t alteration his tune.

Cornered by a scrum of reporters, helium was asked if helium was “ready to regenerate Joe Biden." Newsom called the thought “a non sequitur." Asked whether helium would impulse Biden to reconsider running. “Absolutely not," Newsom told them. “I person his backmost 100 percent."

It’s a measurement of the property frenzy caused by the statement that, a fewer minutes aft that, Newsom was asked yet again, this clip connected MSNBC, whether the statement had shaken the statesmanlike race. Newsom shook his caput angrily. “We’ve got to spell successful and got to support our heads high," helium said. “We’ve got to person the backmost of this President. You don’t crook your backmost due to the fact that of 1 performance. 

Also read: Would Gavin Newsom bushed Trump? Don’t stake connected it

And what benignant of enactment does that?" A amended question—and 1 that Newsom should consider—is what benignant of enactment nominates a campaigner who astir Americans are convinced is excessively aged to grip the pressures of the presidency—and a campaigner who could precise good suffer to a would-be autocrat who traffics successful lies?

The stakes are excessively high.

Newsom connected Thursday told reporters that it’s unhelpful to our ideology to “go down these rabbit holes" astir replacing Biden. But past helium added: “This country, the world, they request america close present to measurement up and that’s precisely what I mean to do."

Many Democrats would nary uncertainty beryllium relieved if helium did. ©bloomberg

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