WA News Live: PM says WA Senator expected to comply with caucus decisions

2 days ago 3

Good greeting readers, convey you for joining us.

Making headlines this morning, concern newsman Peter Milne reveals that 3 years aft 2 workers were astir killed by a monolithic alloy level swinging wildly implicit their heads, WA’s information regulator has decided not to prosecute immoderate of the companies involved.

The near-fatal incidental connected July 5, 2021, occurred erstwhile the assistance of a disused 28-year-old Santos lipid and state level went severely wrong, forcing the workers connected the operation beneath to scramble for their lives to debar some the level and torn alloy cables flying done the air.

Santos operates the John Brookes state  level    disconnected  the WA coast.

Santos operates the John Brookes state level disconnected the WA coast.Credit: Santos

See the video and work the communicative here.

Michael Genovese writes astir however Perth pistillate Donna Nelson’s 3 twelvemonth aged granddaughter has been granted support to sojourn the 58 twelvemonth aged wrong the Japanese situation she has been held successful for 18 months.

But the kid had to beryllium chaperoned by lawyers aft her parents, Nelson’s girl and lad successful law, were denied visitation rights. Nelson remains successful a Japanese situation and is allowed lone constricted interaction with the extracurricular world.

WAToday revealed connected Tuesday the proceedings was unexpectedly delayed by up to six months. Read the afloat communicative here.

And Mark Naglazas caught up with 1 of Australia’s astir celebrated surface actors.

Anthony LaPaglia won a Golden Globe for fronting top-rated transgression play Without A Trace, an Emmy for his unforgettable crook arsenic Daphne Moon’s boorish, boozy member successful the classical sitcom Frasier and an AFI Award for his wrenching show arsenic an adulterous detective successful the large Oz play Lantana.

Now he’s successful Perth to prima successful Death of a Salesman.

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