What will future manufacturing jobs really look like?

2 days ago 2

At 10am connected each enactment time for 40 years, the 14 unit astatine The Natural Bedding Company person gathered for a communal greeting tea. Owner Andrew McCaig realises the time-honoured contented is becoming rarer.

“It utilized to beryllium standard, but possibly it hasn’t stood the trial of clip everywhere,” helium says.

The Natural Bedding Company proprietor  Andrew McCaig is supportive of the government’s caller   manufacturing push.

The Natural Bedding Company proprietor Andrew McCaig is supportive of the government’s caller manufacturing push.

Neither person section manufacturing businesses similar McCaig’s, which is based successful Sydney’s present gentrified interior west.

“Back successful the aboriginal 90s, you could get thing successful Marrickville owed to the fig and assortment of businesses manufacturing here. You conscionable had to locomotion down 1 of the galore laneways, and you would find a immense array of businesses manufacturing antithetic weird and fantastic things arsenic good arsenic the mean things,” McCaig notes.

If the existent Australian authorities has thing to bash with it, we’ll soon beryllium taking Australia backmost towards the days erstwhile manufacturing was a bigger portion of our economy.

The caller national fund committed $22.7 cardinal implicit the adjacent decennary to the Future Made successful Australia argumentation – a program which aims to marque Australia a “renewable vigor superpower” and to backmost Australian innovation.

In manufacturing, innovation is simply a wide term. For McCaig, it comes done creations similar the specially designed tables which mean the 700 handmade mattresses his squad produces each twelvemonth don’t request to beryllium made connected the floor. In the Future Made successful Australia policy, innovation focuses much connected facilities and technologies linked to greenish metals and quantum computing capabilities.

Still, 1 gets the consciousness the premier curate would o.k. of the mode this manufacturing business, located successful his ain electorate, approaches sustainability. At the Natural Bedding Company, reusing and recycling person been prioritised for decades.

Products successful the proviso concatenation are carbon-neutral, toxic chemicals are shunned, and offcuts of materials and sawdust are donated to section assemblage projects and assemblage gardens.

I americium fastidious erstwhile it comes to making definite that we are sourcing the close – and champion – materials,” says McCaig.


While manufacturing astatine this handcrafted level provides section employment, Australia’s manufacturing industries – and the jobs that travel with it – person substantially declined implicit the past 20 years. According to the ABS Labour Force Survey, employment successful the assemblage is down 118,500 successful the past 2 decades; minus 11.5 per cent.

That’s not to accidental the jobs aren’t there. The Australian limb of multinational concern Kimberly-Clark employs astir 400 employees (including contractors) astatine its Millicent Mill successful South Australia, with different 220 employed successful its ANZ business.

Looking forward, the shaper has some sustainability and diverseness firmly successful mind.

“In 2023, we reduced our emissions by 30.5 per cent against our 2015 baseline, whilst continuing to research alternative, renewable vigor sources astatine our Millicent Mill. We’ve besides precocious achieved 100 per cent discarded diversion astatine the Mill, which is simply a immense milestone for our business,” says Millicent Mill manager Adam Carpenter.

As a sector, lone 29 per cent of manufacturing workers are female, but Carpenter says that they’ve managed to displacement the dial connected Kimberly-Clark’s South Australian site.

“Back successful 2019, we had hired zero women into our accumulation team. To code this, we made a elemental but truly effectual alteration to our occupation advertisements. We removed the forklift prerequisite and placed much absorption connected behaviours alternatively than conscionable method skills,” helium says.

A section media run and a ceremonial referral programme for employees besides helped dispersed the word.

“As a result, we’ve seen adjacent to 40 per cent caller pistillate recruits successful our accumulation squad year-on-year, ranging from young graduates to moving mums,” says Carpenter.

Unsurprisingly, the organisation is affirmative astir the Australian government’s concern successful manufacturing, but says it needs to support a adjacent oculus connected the pipeline of workers supporting a greener future.

“We judge that a cardinal portion of the vigor modulation is the electrification of the process, [so] it is important that the authorities considers grooming and capableness gathering for electrical trades and electrical/automation engineering,” Carpenter says.

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