Why is Australia picking a fight with the US Olympic swim team?

2 days ago 1

Anyway, the constituent is Phelps was cranky, truthful the remainder of the US squad and astir apt the full state was cranky, too.

On Today this week, Stefanovic tried to ramp up hostilities by mocking Phelps’ haircut and penchant for inhaling the Devil’s lettuce, a notation to a 2009 News of the World communicative which pictured Phelps sucking connected the world’s largest solid bong.

Stefanovic, who volition beryllium beforehand and centre of Nine’s sum successful Paris, besides called him an “absolute tosser” devoid of “personality”. Ouch.

When Campbell came connected air, she trod carefully, claiming her archetypal remarks were each said successful “jest”. The Americans aren’t buying it.

“We’re each bringing the cowbell,” US swimmer Abbey Weitzeil said astatine the caller US trials. “Whenever comments are made astir your state oregon your jobs, it’s each competitive, and I deliberation we each are competitive, our competitory broadside comes out. So, we’re each bringing the cowbell, other loud.”

News Of The World photograph  of Olympic golden  medal victor  Michael Phelps smoking a bong.

News Of The World photograph of Olympic golden medal victor Michael Phelps smoking a bong.Credit: News Of The World

Of course, this full occurrence is the instauration of 2 Olympic broadcasters ramping up 1 of the astir intriguing storylines successful Paris: Australia versus the US successful the pool.

But Campbell should recognize amended than astir that their arch rivals volition latch onto the smallest kernel of disrespect and usage it to their advantage.

Taking connected Phelps, adjacent successful retirement, is simply a questionable strategy.

In the days starring up to the Olympics successful London successful 2012, helium held a media league astatine the main property centre successful beforehand of sprawling contingent of reporters.

The rivalry betwixt Australia and the US 4x100m relay teams loomed arsenic the premier lawsuit of the meet.

With James “The Missile” Magnussen and James “The Rocket” Roberts successful their team, Australia had decided to telephone themselves “Weapons of Mass Destruction”.

Told astir the nickname, Phelps wasn’t impressed.

“We’re not gonna tally our mouths,” helium said. “We ne'er have. Our state has ne'er done that.”

(He was aboriginal reminded astir Gary Hall jnr’s “guitar smashing” remarks successful Sydney successful 2000).

“We instrumentality attraction of our ain business,” helium continued. “If you get caught up successful different people’s talking, and this and that, it conscionable takes distant from what were present to do. We’re present to aquatics and that’s it.”

Neither squad won – France finished first, the US 2nd and Australia 4th – but the US ended that conscionable with a whopping 31 medals, including 16 gold, portion Australia won 10 successful full with conscionable 1 gold.

Australia caput to Paris bursting with assurance pursuing past year’s worlds and this month’s enactment trials, but the anticipation already being heaped upon them is extreme.

Kaylee McKeown prefers to fto  her swimming bash  the talking.

Kaylee McKeown prefers to fto her swimming bash the talking.Credit: Getty Images

It’s been labelled Australia’s strongest successful history, with its all-conquering contingent of pistillate competitors, portion a people of erstwhile swimmers foretell we’ll triumph much golden medals than the US for the archetypal clip since the 1956 Melbourne Games.

This squad surely seems much grounded than those of the past. It understands the occupation isn’t done and wants nary motortruck with poking the grizzly carnivore of the USA.

“I’m each for rivalry and that benignant of thing, but there’s nary request to beryllium nasty astir it successful immoderate ways,” Kaylee McKeown said aft past year’s worlds. “I’m personally not astir that. When I saw that I was like, ‘She’s not truly speaking connected our behalf.’”

The quality betwixt golden and metallic oregon nary medals astatine each is fractional.

Why springiness the Americans crushed to aquatics conscionable that small spot faster?

Attack of the clones

Speaking of NBC, it beauteous overmuch trashed its good bequest successful sports broadcasting this week erstwhile it revealed it volition bash regular recaps from Paris utilizing an AI-generated mentation of Al Michaels’ voice.

A legendary caller of the Olympics and NFL, Michaels produced 1 of the top lines successful commentary past erstwhile the US men’s crystal hockey squad bushed the Soviet Union astatine the Lake Placid 1980 Olympic Winter Games.

“Do you judge successful miracles?” helium bellowed. “Yes!”

Michaels told Vanity Fair that helium was sceptical astir the thought but couldn’t judge however overmuch the clone resembled his voice.

Meanwhile, Dexter from Perfect Match volition beryllium calling the athletics and the T-1000 from Terminator 2 is doing the skateboarding.

Does anyone talk Origin-ese?

For the champion portion of 3 years, Queensland manager Billy Slater has been unflappable erstwhile dealing with the media astir State of Origin time.

Sure, he’s been edgier this year. He didn’t similar questions astir NSW counterpart Michael Maguire’s cryptic “glass houses” remarks, which is just capable due to the fact that helium inactive doesn’t cognize whether they were directed astatine him oregon not. None of america do.

But Slater revealed the unit he’s present nether erstwhile helium fronted the media aft the 38-18 nonaccomplishment astatine the MCG connected Wednesday night.

Asked if helium would see changes for the July 17 decider astatine Suncorp Stadium, helium screwed up his face.

“I haven’t adjacent thought of that,” Slater said. “We’re inactive Queenslanders.”

It was a funny comment. What does that mean? That Queenslanders don’t panic and marque changes aft losing a match? Pick and instrumentality and truthful on?

Former Herald elder newsman Brad Walter, who present works for NRL.com, rightly followed up.

“Can you conscionable elaborate connected that?” helium asked.

“Well, we’re from Queensland,” Slater said dismissively.

“I know,” Walter persisted. “You said you’re making changes but you’re inactive Queenslanders.”

“I said I haven’t thought of that and I said we’re inactive Queenslanders, truthful that’s it,” Slater replied.

“What does that mean?” Walter asked again. “Queenslanders don’t marque changes?”

“I don’t know,” Slater said. “I haven’t thought astir it.”

Maguire talking astir solid houses, Slater reminding america that they’re from Queensland …

Does anyone talk fluent Origin? I’m bushed of moving retired what these radical are really talking about.

Afghanistan players observe  their T20 World Cup triumph   against Australia.

Afghanistan players observe their T20 World Cup triumph against Australia.Credit: AP

“I don’t truly person a large reply for your question due to the fact that I don’t truly springiness a f---.” — New LA Lakers manager JJ Redick erstwhile asked astir misconceptions of his coaching ability.

A assemblage of 90,084 turned up to the MCG for Origin II — the 2nd biggest successful history. Say what you privation astir the Mexicans, but they crook up, nary substance the event.

We’re each blameworthy of saying thing we regret, but Ian Healy came up with a doozy connected SEN erstwhile asked if helium was morally conflicted astir Afghanistan’s T20 World Cup triumph against Australia fixed the country’s appalling attraction of women. “Let’s anticipation they’re inactive blessed and proud, conscionable inside,” the erstwhile Test wicketkeeper said.


It’s a large play for … the Warriors, who past twelvemonth were the occurrence communicative of the NRL but are present successful escaped fall. They big the Broncos successful Auckland connected Saturday and bash truthful without injured playmaker Shaun Johnson.

It’s an adjacent bigger play for … England, whose supporters booed the players and threw integrative cups astatine manager Gareth Southgate aft finishing atop their radical astatine the UEFA European Football Championships. Heaven knows what volition hap if they weaponry retired successful the circular of 16, which starts this weekend.

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