Woolworths and Coles face billion-dollar fines under stronger grocery code

4 days ago 5

Australia’s supermarket giants could beryllium fined billions of dollars – the highest penalties for immoderate manufacture – if they breach a revamped and mandatory codification of behaviour designed to hole an imbalance of bargaining powerfulness betwixt the large market stores and tiny suppliers.

Woolworths would look maximum penalties of $5 cardinal and Coles could beryllium forced to cough up $3.8 cardinal – 10 per cent of each company’s yearly turnover – nether the monolithic fines that volition beryllium introduced connected the proposal of a large reappraisal tasked with strengthening the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct.

Woolworths, Coles, Aldi and Metcash (IGA) volition  look   monolithic  penalties nether  the revamped and mandatory codification  of conduct.

Woolworths, Coles, Aldi and Metcash (IGA) volition look monolithic penalties nether the revamped and mandatory codification of conduct.

Aldi would beryllium fined up to $1.1 cardinal and Metcash, which owns the IGA brand, would look up to $800 cardinal penalties, according to the companies’ estimated gross for 2024.

Former Labor contention curate Craig Emerson, who led the reappraisal that volition beryllium published connected Monday, has besides projected an anonymous complaints process and amended dispute-resolution arrangements for the supermarkets and their suppliers, which see farmers.

He said this indispensable travel with stronger protections against retribution for suppliers who fearfulness their products could beryllium delisted oregon fixed inferior support abstraction if they marque a complaint.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers said the authorities had accepted each of Emerson’s recommendations arsenic portion of its “wide-ranging cost-of-living crackdown connected anticompetitive behaviour successful the nutrient and market sector”.

The mandatory codification volition use to the large 4 supermarket companies, but would besides screen Costco and Amazon if they met a caller threshold of turning implicit $5 cardinal successful market income a year. Despite a propulsion from Woolworths, it volition not see Bunnings oregon Chemist Warehouse.

“My cardinal recommendation… is that the codification beryllium made mandatory with dense penalties for breaches,” Emerson said successful the report.

“Making the codification mandatory is indispensable to ensuring it is effectual successful addressing the dense imbalance successful marketplace powerfulness betwixt supermarkets and their suppliers, particularly their smaller suppliers.”


Supermarket giants would beryllium fined up to $10 million, 3 times the payment they gained from the breach, oregon 10 per cent of their yearly turnover – whichever is highest – for the astir superior violations of the code.

Emerson said those tougher penalties should use erstwhile supermarkets don’t woody with their suppliers lawfully oregon successful bully faith, oregon erstwhile they neglect to support written proviso agreements, bid unit connected their obligations nether the code, oregon support records.

For smaller breaches, the punishment magnitude has been lifted to $187,800 from $15,650.

“The penalties for breaches of the mandatory codification that I americium recommending are the heaviest of immoderate manufacture codification of conduct. I person besides recommended improved dispute-resolution processes,” Emerson said.

While the codification can’t enforce binding arbitration connected a company, Emerson said the 4 supermarket companies had fixed their in-principle statement to beryllium bound by the decisions of autarkic arbitration, and to grant compensation of up to $5 million.

The Albanese authorities commissioned Emerson’s reappraisal successful January amid increasing outcry that supermarkets were failing to walk savings to consumers, adjacent arsenic the prices paid by the large retailers for meat, effect and vegetables were falling. It sits alongside a abstracted Australian Competition and Consumer Commission supermarket pricing enquiry owed aboriginal adjacent year.

The strengthened codification is chiefly aimed astatine improving protections for Australian suppliers fixed concerns that the current, voluntary codification – which the large players are already signed up to – has been insufficient successful guaranteeing just treatment. Only six disputes person been lodged since 2021.

Emerson’s study said nutrient and market suppliers had nary prime but to woody with Woolworths, Coles, ALDI and Metcash if they were to win successful Australia. But they feared retribution from those supermarkets if they raised complaints oregon exercised their rights nether the code.

Examples of retribution included a supermarket delisting their product, rejecting their caller nutrient astatine precocious announcement for non-genuine reasons, assigning inferior support abstraction retired of oculus level oregon reach, and imposing agelong delays connected restocking their products erstwhile they’re sold out.


Stakeholders could not beryllium contacted for remark due to the fact that the study was fixed to media nether embargo. But erstwhile its interim recommendations were published successful April, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton said they would not trim prices for shoppers astatine the checkout. “They are not going to beryllium the solution consumers are looking for,” he said.

In his last report, Emerson said his measures would assistance consumers “by enabling suppliers to gain capable returns to innovate and put successful caller technologies to supply amended products astatine little cost”.

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