Why the CBA share price continues to defy gravity

2 days ago 1

The combined hours of mislaid slumber and vocation scorn that stockbroker banking analysts person suffered implicit the past six months acknowledgment to the Commonwealth Bank’s gravity-defying stock terms gains is immeasurable.

CBA’s stock price’s inexorable ascent has near monolithic debris successful its aftermath – not conscionable those highly qualified and highly paid analysts who person been screaming from the rooftops for months that the banal is overvalued.

Banking expert  Brian Johnson  addresses the CBA valuation conundrum.

Banking expert Brian Johnson addresses the CBA valuation conundrum.Credit: Oscar Colman

A clump of short-seller investors who past twelvemonth placed costly bets that CBA stock terms would autumn are besides licking their fiscal wounds.

In the vernacular of markets, it’s called the Pain Trade.

Hell, adjacent CBA itself hasn’t picked up immoderate banal successful its ain stock buyback successful caller months – presumably due to the fact that it concurs with analysts that its stock terms has moved into nosebleed territory. For the moment, it looks to person tapped retired astatine $119 compared with the existent stock terms of astir $126, lone one-quarter of the mode done its $1 cardinal buyback.

Not surprisingly, nary of the large brokers person a bargain recommendation, galore person a merchantability and a mates person hedged their bets with a hold.

Even CBA itself hasn’t picked up immoderate banal successful its ain stock buyback successful caller months – presumably due to the fact that it concurs with analysts that its stock terms has moved into nosebleed territory.

In February, erstwhile the CBA stock terms sat astatine $115, I noted Commonwealth Bank analysts were engaged successful an uncomfortable crippled of stock terms Twister. It progressive them stretching themselves into ever much uncomfortable contortions to explicate wherefore the slope stock terms was booming erstwhile its fundamental-based valuation suggested it should beryllium successful retreat. Having climbed a batch higher since then, those contortions indispensable beryllium adjacent to bone-breaking.

Enter MST Marquee’s banking expert Brian Johnson – a multi-decade seasoned and 1 of the sector’s astir elder members – who is often a contrarian thinker and is simply a bigger CBA instrumentality than most.

He was the archetypal of the battalion to spot a (more generous) clasp proposal connected CBA, breaking distant from the battalion that was calling it arsenic a sell.

Like the pack, Johnson understands that, based connected fundamentals, CBA’s stock terms punches good supra its weight. He has a people terms of $102.53 aft applying a 50 per cent premium to the $70 cardinal valuation.

But helium has a thesis that the marketplace dynamics pushing the CBA stock terms up are rooted successful the interval of the slope immoderate 30 years ago.

He opines that organization shareholders are perennially underweight due to the fact that retail investors person hogged the banal for decades, unwilling to merchantability and crystallise a whopping taxable profit.

Johnson provides the illustration of a retail capitalist who bought 400 shares successful the CBA interval successful 1991 for $2160 and reinvested the dividends – they would beryllium sitting connected shares worthy much than $270,000. And those who didn’t reinvest successful dividends would person earned a afloat franked dividend yield.

The information that CBA is 50 per cent owned by sticky home retail investors has squeezed retired organization investors, who volition beryllium astatine a show disadvantage owed to being underweight successful CBA, which is the second-largest subordinate of the ASX 200.

But the supply-demand dynamics are not the lone crushed Johnson believes CBA is superior to its adjacent battalion successful galore respects.

“CBA importantly outranks peers nether our appraisal model of Franchise [best brand, deposit gathering, tech stack, declining reliance connected broker distribution, etc], Management [far much collegiate cross-divisional strategy than peers] to extract excess shareholder worth from comparative weakness of peers and worth of ascendant retail slope franchise, semipermanent absorption arsenic opposed to abbreviated term-ism net absorption of peers,” Johnson said successful his astir caller note.


But the world is that, successful the short-term, analysts including Johnson are not forecasting net maturation for CBA successful the 2024 fiscal year.

Margins for each banks volition stay nether immoderate unit and portion the latest May figures connected indebtedness maturation are improved, they wouldn’t beryllium considered peculiarly strong.

Nonetheless, successful caller weeks CBA threatened BHP for the rubric of Australia’s astir invaluable company.

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