At Least 18 People Killed in Multiple Suicide Bombings in Nigeria

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Africa|At Least 18 People Killed successful Multiple Suicide Bombings successful Nigeria

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Officials said that 3 pistillate attackers had detonated explosive devices astatine a wedding and astatine a ceremonial successful a metropolis erstwhile ruled by Boko Haram. So far, nary radical has claimed responsibility.

A pistillate   walks unsocial  connected  a street, with open-air shelters seen down  her.
Gwoza, Nigeria, successful 2017. A bid of blasts struck the metropolis successful Borno State connected Saturday.Credit...SOPA Images, via Alamy

By Ismail Alfa and Elian Peltier

Ismail Alfa reported from Maiduguri, Nigeria, and Elian Peltier from Dakar, Senegal.

June 30, 2024, 7:19 a.m. ET

At slightest 18 radical were killed and dozens of others were wounded successful a bid of termination bombings connected Saturday day successful northeastern Nigeria, including astatine a wedding and a funeral, according to section officials and the police.

Barkindo Saidu, the manager wide of Borno State’s exigency absorption agency, said that 3 pistillate attackers had struck chiseled locations successful Gwoza, a bustling metropolis successful Borno State that has been the center of Islamist insurgency by Boko Haram implicit the past 15 years.

The victims included children and large women, Mr. Saidu said. Some Nigerian quality outlets reported that astatine slightest 30 radical had been killed.

As of Sunday morning, nary radical had claimed work for the bombings. The blasts resembled erstwhile attacks carried retired by Boko Haram, whose fighters person killed tens of thousands successful Nigeria and whose aggression successful the portion has led to the displacement of much than 2 cardinal people.

The archetypal attacker connected Saturday detonated a weaponry that she was wearing astatine a wedding celebration, Mr. Saidu said successful a preliminary study seen by The New York Times. Eight radical died successful that explosion, including the attacker and a babe she had with her, according to Kenneth Daso, a nationalist relations serviceman with the constabulary successful Borno. Two attackers struck aboriginal adjacent a infirmary and astatine the ceremonial services of a unfortunate of the earlier blast, Mr. Saidu said.

Nigeria, Africa’s astir populous country, has been battling aggregate information crises for years, including mass kidnappings of radical of each ages and classes.

Boko Haram insurgents person abducted thousands of teenage girls and coerced them into forced marriages. They person besides forced galore to transportation retired termination attacks astatine schools, markets, spiritual buildings and ample gatherings.

In 2014, Boko Haram fighters kidnapped 276 schoolgirls successful the colony of Chibok. The Chibok Girls, arsenic they came to beryllium known, received planetary attraction aft condemnation by Michelle Obama and due to the fact that of activism by campaigners who popularized the slogan “Bring Back Our Girls.”

A decennary later, dozens are inactive missing.

Also successful 2014, Boko Haram’s person astatine the time, Abubakar Shekau, declared a caliphate successful Gwoza aft his fighters seized the city. The Nigerian Army retook power successful 2015, and Mr. Shekau was killed successful 2021, but Boko Haram fighters person since staged aggregate attacks successful the vicinity.

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