Red-hot Lloyd emerges from Dark place to snatch Jewel

4 weeks ago 8

It was a program that the squad astatine Godolphin had travel up with for Commemorative, and the 20-year-old Lloyd executed it perfectly.

“She’s promised to deliver, truthful it’s bully to get it done,” Godolphin typical Darren Beadman said.

“Unfortunately past commencement [in the PJ Bell Stakes] Jamie Kah got held successful and she overdid it, truthful the main extremity contiguous was to get her into a bully bushed and get her to relax.

“The large way and the wide gross suited her, and she was capable to get plentifulness of unfastened air. She won with authority, and I deliberation determination are plentifulness of bigger food to fry for her.”

Once Lloyd balanced up Commemorative ($4.40) rocketed down the extracurricular to people by 1¼ lengths from Spring Lee
($3.80 fav), with three-quarters of magnitude backmost to Left Field ($20) successful third.

“She is simply a truly bully filly with a agelong stride, and you tin conscionable consciousness the motor she has, and erstwhile I kept her blessed she did the rest,” Lloyd said.

Bella Nipotina caps Australian circuit with 10,000 victory

Ciaron Maher lauded the thrust of Craig Williams aft Bella Nipotina completed a circuit of Australia with triumph successful the Doomben 10,000 connected Saturday.

Bella Nipotina ($7) gunned down favourite I Wish I Win successful the last fewer strides aft blowing the commencement and being forced to play catch-up for the full race.

“She loves these conditions. I thought the conditions, the track, everything would truly suit. Then erstwhile we jumped from the barriers I thought we were nary chance,” Maher said.

“Craig knows her truly well. He took his medicine. That was unbelievable.

“She really hasn’t been successful a unchangeable for immoderate much than 3 days implicit the past 2 weeks. She was successful Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, Newcastle and present Brisbane.”

Bella Nipotina had raced successful 4 antithetic states successful her past 4 runs starting erstwhile she was 4th successful the William Reid Stakes astatine Moonee Valley astatine the extremity of March. She was runner-up to Chain Of Lightning successful the TJ Smith astatine Randwick 2 weeks precocious and past 4th successful the Quokka a week aboriginal successful the Perth.

She showed nary signs of being bushed arsenic she lunged to triumph by a half-head, with Espiona ($6) a magnitude distant successful third.

“The program was evidently to usage our obstruction gully and beryllium wherever we wanted to be. She had a antithetic idea,” Williams said. “It was fortunate that I had the close equine to manoeuvre, but she does relish getting her toed in.”

Opal Ridge acceptable for Brisbane aft stunning return

Scone trainer Luke Pepper volition look towards the Tatts Tiara aft a crushing instrumentality from Opal Ridge successful the Ortensia Stakes astatine Scone connected Saturday.

The Rubick four-year-old sprinter hadn’t been seen since the outpouring but was superb caller arsenic she exploded done a spread precocious to bushed Quick Tempo by three-quarters of a magnitude with Iowna Merc a agelong cervix backmost successful third.

“She conscionable needed that agelong interruption and she is backmost to the equine we had past year,” Pepper said “I was a spot tense contiguous due to the fact that she’s had a agelong clip disconnected but she was dynamite again.

“We waited truthful we tin spell to Brisbane for races similar the Dane Ripper Stakes and Tatts Tiara, and connected that triumph she volition beryllium close successful them.”

The triumph gave Opal Ridge a 2nd Scone diagnostic aft winning the Luskin Star Stakes successful 2023 and she near Tommy Berry impressed.

“She was precise caller and determination is truthful overmuch betterment near successful her,” Berry said. “She is relaxing, truthful stepping up successful travel volition not beryllium a problem.”

Coastwatch breaks two-year drought successful Luskin Star

It has taken a agelong clip and 2 countries for Coastwatch to commencement returning connected a $500,000 investment, but aft 2 years of atrocious luck helium was backmost successful the winner’s ellipse successful the Luskin Star Stakes astatine Scone.

The erstwhile astute three-year-old was sent to Hong Kong aft the sale, wherever helium had cardiac arrhythmia. When helium returned to Australia helium fractured a sesamoid, but Richard and Will Freedman person got him backmost to his best.

“It has been 2 years since helium won, and helium mightiness not person raced again, truthful that is simply a large triumph for the owners,” Will Freedman said. “He was truly bully the different time astatine Hawkesbury and I couldn’t recognize him getting retired successful the betting today.

“He did capable to win, and I deliberation determination are immoderate bully races for him successful Brisbane.”

Coastwatch ($21) kicked wide a mates of lengths wide successful the last 200m and withstood a precocious complaint from $4 favourite Amenable, with Gravina ($17) a half-length backmost successful third.

Sonofdec acceptable for Queensland Derby

Newcastle trainer Jay Hopkins is acceptable to person his archetypal Queensland Derby runner aft Sonofdec stamped himself a stayer with a crook of ft successful the Midway Handicap astatine Scone.

Jockey Ashley Morgan was blessed to beryllium 3 wide and midfield, and erstwhile helium asked for an effort Sonofdec ($8) sprinted distant from older rivals astatine 1700m to triumph by 3 lengths from Pure Hydrogen ($8.50) with Magnatear ($7.50) different magnitude distant successful third.

“The program was the Derby, and it’s earlier this year, truthful it is simply a speedy back-up successful 2 weeks, but helium is surely bully capable and getting better,” Hopkins said.

Sonofdec firmed from $26 to $15 aft the win, and Morgan wants to travel him to Eagle Farm successful a mates of weeks.

“He’s going to get amended stepping successful trip, and the Derby was ever the plan,” said Morgan, who made it a winning treble connected Dances With Hooves.

Unbeaten Lazzura volition get better

The Chris Waller-trained Lazzura volition decorativeness her two-year-old play unbeaten aft showing immoderate prime to triumph the Woodlands Stakes astatine Scone connected Saturday.


The Snitzel filly was heavy backed to commencement the even-money favourite and had to marque a agelong tally aft a mid-race check. She did capable to bushed Satin Stiletto ($16) by a half-head with Let’s Go Barbie ($6.50) 2¾ lengths distant successful third.

“She is inactive earthy and has a spot to larn but she’s precise good,” jockey Tommy Berry said. “That is simply a bully horse’s contention and she is going to get better.”

Waller’s assistant, Charlie Duckworth, said Lazzura would beryllium spelled and the unchangeable would look to the Princess Series successful the spring.

“She gets achromatic benignant with that triumph and tin person a bully interruption and mature a spot more,” Duckworth said.

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