The campaign to get medicinal cannabis users back behind the wheel

2 days ago 6

A world-first Victorian proceedings into whether users of medicinal cannabis tin thrust safely has sparked a propulsion from lawyers and MPs to support motorists who usage the attraction from prosecution portion the investigating is nether way.

The use of medicinal cannabis has surged successful Victoria, up 700 per cent implicit the past 2 years, according to the authorities government. But it is amerciable to thrust with immoderate hint of THC – a compound recovered successful cannabis that tin stay successful the assemblage for days – successful your system.

Medicinal cannabis is legal, but driving with traces of THC successful  your strategy   is not.

Medicinal cannabis is legal, but driving with traces of THC successful your strategy is not.Credit: Janie Barrett

The Allan authorities precocious committed $4.9 cardinal to a Swinburne University proceedings examining however medicinal cannabis affected driving ability, successful the anticipation patients tin beryllium allowed to get down the wheel.

The trial, which is owed to commencement soon, has prompted a caller run from lawyers and advocates who reason the 18-month investigating play is excessively agelong for the increasing fig of radical who person been prescribed the attraction – but indispensable take betwixt utilizing it and driving.

The Legalise Cannabis party, which advocated for the trial, intends to rise the substance successful parliament. It is calling for an amnesty oregon regularisation alteration to trim the hazard of prosecution of medicinal cannabis users portion the probe is completed.


MP David Ettershank said the authorities past twelvemonth provided a missive of comfortableness indicating the proceedings and its results could beryllium completed by 2024.

“This is not conscionable kicking the tin down the roadworthy to 2026, it’s kicking the tin into the adjacent parliament. Which means we won’t spot thing successful a best-case script until 2027,” Ettershank said. The adjacent authorities predetermination is owed successful 2026.

“It is bitterly disappointing for the medicinal cannabis patients, conscionable devastating.

“If you unrecorded successful the outer suburbs, oregon you unrecorded successful determination Victoria, wherever successful some cases you’ve got precise constricted entree to nationalist transport, the options are beauteous bleak.”

Australian Lawyers Alliance spokesperson Greg Barns said helium had represented aggregate medicinal cannabis users who had been prosecuted, including 1 who was connected the mode to prime up their script.

Legalise Cannabis MPs David Ettershank and Rachel Payne.

Legalise Cannabis MPs David Ettershank and Rachel Payne.Credit: Joe Armao

“The instrumentality is not lone absurd, it is simply a superior injustice,” helium said.

“The legislature has not kept up with the information that medicinal cannabis has been astir present for 8 oregon 9 years.

“There’s nary discretion, you’ve got to suffer your licence. So, astatine the precise least, magistrates should person been fixed discretion to not enforce a conviction.”

Truck operator William, who asked that his surname not beryllium published to support his privacy, has had to halt taking medicinal cannabis aft testing affirmative to THC portion driving successful 2020.

 Truck operator  Will has had to halt  taking medicinal cannabis aft  investigating  affirmative  ruined his livelihood.

Truck operator Will has had to halt taking medicinal cannabis aft investigating affirmative ruined his livelihood.Credit: Chris Hopkins

He said it meant helium was enduring more pain from scoliosis present helium was backmost connected his aged medication.

“It’s hard, particularly if you’re prescribed [medicinal cannabis], and it really makes your beingness amended [that] you’re not allowed to instrumentality it,” helium said.

“I mislaid my job, mislaid my house, mislaid my motortruck and mislaid my business. I don’t privation to spot different radical person to spell done that.”


Lawyer Andrew Shears, the main astatine Andrew Shears and Co, said the instrumentality discriminated against patients, and called for a accordant defence for each medicines.

“Judicial discretion successful narration to licence nonaccomplishment would beryllium of important payment to patients – presently a magistrate has nary enactment but to instrumentality someone’s licence for a mandatory minimum of six months,” helium said.

“People are losing their driver’s licences for a mandatory minimum of six months, for doing thing different than driving the time aft they took their medication.”

A Victorian authorities spokesperson said determination was obscurity successful the satellite that had a modular mode of measuring impairment from medicinal cannabis.

“We volition ne'er compromise connected roadworthy safety, and that’s wherefore we’ve engaged Swinburne successful this satellite archetypal proceedings to instrumentality an evidence-based attack to guarantee we get this right,” the spokesperson said.

Legalise Cannabis MP Rachel Payne said she regularly spoke to patients who believed their medicine medicine impaired them much than medicinal cannabis, oregon had caused further hazard due to the fact that of cause dependency oregon intelligence wellness problems.

“Particularly for women with endometriosis, determination is simply a precocious hazard of dependency connected opioids due to the fact that you support taking much and more, and they’re uncovering that it’s not truly that effective,” she said.

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