Boy, 13, shot dead by New York police had replica gun, authorities say

1 day ago 3

51 minutes ago

By Megan Fisher, BBC News

Utica constabulary  Utica constabulary  bodycam shows a lad  pointing what they accidental    is simply a replica weapon  astatine  an officerUtica police

Bodycam footage released by constabulary shows a teen gesturing towards officers. They believed helium was holding a weapon - but aboriginal determined it was a replica

Police successful New York authorities person changeable dormant a 13-year-old lad aft helium ran from constabulary portion holding a replica handgun, authorities said.

Officers stopped Nyah Mway and different 13-year-old connected Friday nighttime arsenic the brace matched descriptions of suspects wanted for caller robberies successful Utica, constabulary said.

As the officers questioned the boys, Nyah Mway fled connected ft and a pursuit ensued. Utica Police Chief Mark Williams said constabulary spotted what "appeared to beryllium a handgun".

One serviceman past wrestled the lad to the floor. “During a crushed struggle”, different serviceman fired a azygous changeable that deed the teen successful the chest, the constabulary main said.

He was fixed archetypal assistance astatine the country but aboriginal died astatine Wynn Hospital.

Police released respective minutes of assemblage camera footage connected Saturday night, from each the officers' cameras.

It came soon aft outraged members of the section assemblage heckled the Utica constabulary main astatine a property conference, which was attended by the boy's family.

Utica Mayor Michael Galime called for calm, saying: "We recognize the value of this concern and privation to guarantee that each azygous portion of this is understood."

The footage appears to amusement the teen pointing what constabulary accidental was the replica weapon, portion moving away. The officers tin beryllium heard shouting "gun!" to each other.

The officers believed they had seen a existent handgun, constabulary said - but it was aboriginal determined to beryllium a replica of a Glock 17 limb that could lone occurrence pellets oregon BB’s.

Utica Police Police released representation  of the replica handgun recovered from the sceneUtica Police

Police released an representation of a replica handgun recovered from the scene

The 3 officers progressive were connected a patrol of the West Utica country assisting with 2 caller robbery investigations nearby.

In 1 of the incidents connected 27 June, 2 men equipped with a achromatic firearm forcibly demanded and stole spot from victims. The suspects were described arsenic an Asian antheral and a dark-skinned antheral - 1 travelling by ft and 1 connected a bicycle.

Authorities accidental they stopped Nyah Mway and the different teen based connected these "identifying factors" astatine astir 22:00 section time.

The officers progressive person been named arsenic Patrick Husnay, who fired the fatal shot, Bryce Patterson and Andrew Citriniti. They person been placed connected administrative leave.

The shooting is being investigated by some the New York lawyer general's bureau and Utica police.

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