Lok Sabha Elections: ‘CCTVs, drones, 31,000 policemen,’ Security beefed up in Delhi for phase 6 voting

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Business News/ Elections / Lok Sabha Elections: ‘CCTVs, drones, 31,000 policemen,’ Security beefed up successful Delhi for signifier 6 voting

1 min read 23 May 2024, 10:25 AM IST checkcibilBtn

Written By Alka Jain

Delhi is undergoing voting successful a azygous signifier connected each 7 seats and volition witnesser a fierce contention betwixt the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and INDIA bloc, comprising the AAP and Congress.

 33,000 policemen, 51 paramilitary companies, 17,500 Home Guards to beryllium  deployed successful  Delhi for signifier   6 polling. Premium Lok Sabha Elections: 33,000 policemen, 51 paramilitary companies, 17,500 Home Guards to beryllium deployed successful Delhi for signifier 6 polling.

Security has been beefed up successful the nationalist superior arsenic Delhi volition spell to the polls successful the sixth signifier of Lok Sabha elections connected May 25. As galore arsenic 33,000 constabulary personnel, 51 paramilitary companies, and 17,500 Home Guards volition beryllium deployed here, said Sanjay Sehrawat, DCP of the Delhi Police's predetermination cell, connected Thursday. 

The serviceman stated that these Home Guards person travel from different states including Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, and Madhya Pradesh. In addition, drones person besides been hired to show amerciable activities successful delicate areas, Sehrawat said arsenic quoted by newswire ANI. 

He said determination are 2,628 polling booths successful Delhi, of which 429 are highly sensitive. "Delhi Police has completed its preparations for the elections connected May 25. 33,000 policemen, and 51 paramilitary companies volition beryllium deployed for security. 17,500 Home Guards from Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, and MP volition besides beryllium deployed," the bull said. 

"We person besides installed CCTV cameras connected the interstate borders, which volition beryllium monitored 24 hours a day. Since determination are elections successful Delhi and Haryana connected the aforesaid day, a associated squad of Delhi Police and Haryana Police volition beryllium checking the Delhi-Haryana border," helium added. 

Sehrawat further informed that Delhi Police seized implicit 14 crore successful currency during the full predetermination campaigning successful the nationalist capital. Currently, the cops are investigating wherever this wealth was expected to beryllium used, helium said. 

Delhi volition clasp single-phase elections connected Saturday, May 25, for each 7 seats: Chandni Chowk, East Delhi, New Delhi, North East Delhi, North West Delhi, South Delhi, and West Delhi. The nationalist superior volition witnesser a fierce governmental contention betwixt the BJP and the INDIA bloc, which includes AAP and Congress. 

A full of 58 constituencies volition spell to the polls crossed 8 states and national territories connected Saturday, May 25. The Lok Sabha elections 2024 voting volition commencement astatine 7 a.m. and reason astatine 6 p.m. The Lok Sabha Elections ballot counting volition beryllium held connected June 4, followed by the announcement of predetermination results.

(With ANI inputs)

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Published: 23 May 2024, 10:25 AM IST

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