EPF eases death claim process, physical claims allowed without Aadhaar. Details here

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2 min read 23 May 2024, 09:31 AM IST checkcibilBtn

Abeer Ray

The caller EPFO rules are tailored to code cases wherever a deceased member's accusation successful the EPFO's UAN strategy (their provident money relationship details) is accurate, but their Aadhaar information successful the UID database is incorrect oregon missing altogether.

EPF streamlines its subscribers' decease  assertion  process.Premium EPF streamlines its subscribers' decease assertion process.

In May 2024, the Employees' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) introduced caller guidelines to simplify the process of handling carnal claims for deceased EPF relationship holders. These guidelines destruct the request to nexus an Aadhaar card, addressing the challenges tract offices faced successful verifying and updating the Aadhaar details of a deceased EPF subscriber’s death.

In the circular dated May 17, 2024, the pension money assemblage declared, “However, this concession is contingent upon obtaining support from the Officer successful Charge (OIC) via an e-office file. The record indispensable meticulously papers the verification procedures undertaken to authenticate the deceased’s rank and the legitimacy of the claimants. This protocol is to beryllium executed successful conjunction with further owed diligence measures, arsenic directed by the OIC, to mitigate the hazard of fraudulent withdrawals."

This means that carnal claims successful decease cases tin beryllium processed without Aadhaar seeding, but they necessitate approval. This support indispensable travel from the OIC done an e-file. Additionally, strict verification is required. Although producing Aadhaar details isn't mandated, a elaborate verification volition inactive beryllium carried retired to verify the deceased member's individuality and corroborate the legitimacy of the claim.

The EPFO circular added, “In cases wherever Aadhaar information is close but inaccurate oregon incomplete successful the UAN, tract offices indispensable meticulously travel the guidelines delineated successful Paragraphs 6.9 and 6.10 of JD SOP version-2 dated 26.03.2024. This involves rectifying the information successful the UAN, seeding, and validating/authenticating the Aadhaar, successful alignment with the instructions outlined successful the anterior circular dated September 24, 2020."

The halfway contented lies successful the mismatch betwixt the accusation successful the EPFO's UAN database, which stores members' provident money details, and the UID database, which holds the relevant Aadhaar details.

The caller EPFO rules specifically purpose to code issues arising from discrepancies betwixt a member's details successful the UAN database and the UID database, peculiarly successful cases of death. Inaccurate Aadhaar details successful the UID database connected the decease of a subordinate make obstacles for tract offices erstwhile verifying and processing carnal claims for the provident money amount. These discrepancies pb to delays for nominees oregon ineligible heirs successful receiving their rightful dues.

The latest EPFO regulations, which alteration carnal claims for decease cases without Aadhaar seeding, purpose to simplify the process successful specified situations. Although Aadhaar seeding is recommended, the EPFO emphasises timely money disbursement to beneficiaries by permitting alternate verification methods with OIC approval.

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Published: 23 May 2024, 09:31 AM IST

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