Mint Quick Edit | RBI's surprise surplus transfer: Use it wisely

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premium Opinion

Livemint 1 min read 23 May 2024, 07:15 AM IST

The latest transportation  of surplus to the authorities  approved by the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) committee  came arsenic  a large  surprise. The latest transportation of surplus to the authorities approved by the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) committee came arsenic a large surprise.


  • The Reserve Bank of India decided to transportation a grounds surplus of 2.11 trillion to the authorities for 2023-24 adjacent aft raising its contingent buffer. Whatever led to the bonanza, the Centre should usage it to trim the fiscal deficit.

The latest transportation of surplus to the authorities approved by the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) committee came arsenic a large surprise. At 2.1 trillion, the fig for 2023-24—to beryllium paid successful 2024-25—is the highest ever. It’s astir treble the 1.02 trillion anticipated by the Centre for its yearly budget. 

Also read: India eyes 1 lakh crore bonanza from cardinal bank, aiding budget

The fig is truthful ample contempt RBI mounting speech the highest prescribed 6.5% of its equilibrium expanse arsenic its contingent hazard buffer, up from 6% successful 2022-23 and 5.5% during the covid years, erstwhile the buffer was reduced to lend the system support. With the economy’s recovery, RBI tin spend to rise the buffer again. But what explains specified a ample payout? Higher involvement earned connected overseas securities whitethorn person spelt a bonanza, arsenic enslaved yields reigned beardown globally successful enactment with precocious argumentation rates. 

In the past, revaluation gains connected RBI’s overseas speech reserves had helped swell its surplus. The government, connected its part, would beryllium chuffed, with implicit 1 trillion other coming its way. It volition springiness the existent year’s last budget, owed aft the ongoing Lok Sabha polls, immoderate fiscal leeway. The Centre could opt to walk that overmuch more, but it would beryllium amended to further trim the budget’s shortage instead.

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