Tripologist: What’s the best way to spend a 15-hour layover in Ho Chi Minh?

3 weeks ago 5

Michael Gebicki is Traveller’s adept Tripologist. Each week helium tackles the thorny issues successful question arsenic good arsenic answering your questions. Got a question for the Tripologist? Email

My 19-year-old granddaughter arrives successful Ho Chi Minh City astatine 6.30 americium with a connecting formation to Melbourne astatine 9.30 pm. Would she beryllium allowed to permission the airdrome and bash immoderate sightseeing? If not, however champion to termination the agelong waiting clip astatine the airport?
O. Manor, Coburg Vic

Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong River astatine  sunset.

Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong River astatine sunset.Credit: MongkolChuewong

If your granddaughter wants to permission the airdrome she volition request an physics visa, which is casual to get from the authoritative website, beware of imitations that volition complaint more. Ho Chi Minh City’s Tan Son Nhat Airport is astir a 30-minute thrust from the metropolis centre and she’d beryllium amended disconnected taking a tour. Layover Tours, Get Your Guide, Viator and Tours by Locals are immoderate of the options. My prime would beryllium a Mekong Delta Tour, it’s relaxing aft the agelong formation from Europe, and beingness on the canals is absorbing and varied.

She tin besides take to enactment successful the airdrome and if so, her champion stake would beryllium 1 of the pay-for-use lounges. It’s a calmer refuge than the main terminal and lounges person all-day buffets, immoderate besides with showers, massage chairs and remainder areas. One enactment is the Lotus Lounge, others see the Jasmine Lounge and the Apricot Lounge, either of which tin beryllium booked done the Sasco Business Lounge website. These lounges person a maximum stay, usually 3 hours, but you should beryllium capable to put a longer visit.

I americium readying a 10-day summertime alpine vacation successful Austria with my family, 4 days each successful a tiny alpine town/village astir Innsbruck and Salzburg. Are determination immoderate household affable resorts you would recommend? The kids are keen connected playing successful the snow, is this imaginable successful Austria successful June?
A. Kumar, Dural, NSW

One household edifice that gets bully reviews is the Dachsteinkoenig Familux Resort. Located successful the Salzkammergut UNESCO World Heritage Region, astir a one-hour thrust south-east of Salzburg, the edifice has a spa, excavation and sauna complex, an indoor play area, cinema and theatre, go-kart way and sports hall. The surrounding mountains of the Inner Salzkammergut connection plentifulness of challenges for legs and lungs with highlights including Gosau Lake and the Dachstein Glacier, which is accessible via a gondola.

Closer to Innsbruck, Kinderhotel Kroeller is simply a family-run edifice with a children’s farm, sauna, pool, waterslide and a lukewarm and affable atmosphere. The edifice sits successful the Zillertal Valley beneath the High Tauern Mountain scope which includes the 3666 metre highest of the Grossvendiger, covered by a glacier. With 10 upland lifts operating passim the summertime months, this vale would beryllium a bully prime if outdoor activities are a absorption of your trip.

After visiting our sons successful New York aboriginal this year, my hubby and I would similar a broadside travel to the Boston country to see Martha’s Vineyard, Providence and Newport. Looking astatine transport suggestions – flights, trains oregon prosecute a car?
A. Chapman, Wandana Heights, Vic


Take the Amtrak bid from New York City’s Penn Station to Boston, the travel takes astir 4 hours, and walk immoderate clip you program to instrumentality successful the city’s sights. When it’s clip to sojourn Providence and Newport, you’re amended disconnected with a prosecute car. After Newport, caput eastbound to Woods Hole connected Cape Cod and instrumentality the Steamship Authority ferry to Martha’s Vineyard. This is simply a car ferry and though this is simply a tiny island, a conveyance is the champion mode to get around. It’s good worthy exploring much of Cape Cod if you person time, each the mode retired to Provincetown, astatine the extremity of the cape’s fishhook.

From determination you could either instrumentality your prosecute car to Boston, oregon amended still, thrust to New York City and instrumentality your conveyance there. If so, you mightiness program to thrust via the Hudson River Valley, stopping astatine the United States Military Academy astatine West Point for a guided circuit and Kykuit, the Rockefeller family’s opulent hilltop estate, present unfastened to the public, wherever the gardens unsocial are worthy a agelong look. The location is located successful Sleepy Hollow, made celebrated by writer Washington Irving who lies successful the town’s graveyard.

Travel proposal is general; readers should see their idiosyncratic circumstances.

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